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About FreezyTouch

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  1. FreezyTouch

    Anyone else noticed....

    Yeah...i kinda had that too... Zombies charging at me in those military tents. Was kinda surprised when they got to me that quickly! Unfortunately i dont have a clue why this happens. And to the respawning: If that was the reason it would be pretty lame. Also because if you go on a server and its full of hackers so you therefor leave the server and go onto another one....you get to start over. I for example was almost at the NW airfield and didnt just get spawned back at the shore but lost ALL my equip. I got no food no weapons no bandages nothing. Only thing i got left is my 10 zombies killed on the debug monitor and almost read hunger-indicator.
  2. FreezyTouch

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    So i got another one: Its right between Rogovo and Pogorevka on the small plain north of Pogorevka. Also i think there are no real spawnpoints as its all fully randomized and if you look on this map you kinda realize that helis spawn EVERYWHERE except for the coast and forrests... It would make no sense to mark them on DayZDB cause you would have marks for crashsites wherever there are no trees marked....
  3. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    Looks nice. Also would be awesome to be able to find just the weapon and then the attachments so you could improve your weapon. Also for those of you who said it wasnt used that often, pls check out this wiki article. There are also listed some of the attachments for the P90, like a silencer, a laser and a tactical light: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_P90 Just a small list..........................although i have to admit that russia is not on the list and neither is britain.... And there is also a civilian version, the PS90...didnt check that one out as much as i dont think many civilians actually have it and i dont wanna find such a weapon lying on the steps of a random houses entrance.
  4. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    Ok. We have heard the point that the P90 is not in any arma....i allready said that it would be nice too seee that weapon IN A FUTURE STANDALONE VERSION. You cant argue with the fact that this mod cant implement new weapons that easily....its just not the point. (And btw....it still is possible. If hard work is the blockade...then we better stop playing this game). I would love to see more shotguns....but to argue that more civilians use them is kind of lame. YOU are suggesting we find more weapons in civilian buildings. WE are talking about finding more rare weapons that you actually are happy to find. Everytime i see a Makarov i almost start puking all over my keyboard....that crap is just everywhere. When i find a silenced M9 on the other hand....it kinda fulfills me with a feeling of success. And THEN you got something you dont want to lose and so on. Having a winchester that i find in every second farm-building doesnt make me play carefully....when i die, i lose nothing cause everything i got is so easy to get back... I dont the the rare ammo would be a problem...it would be almost like the bizon: You find the weapon, then you find some ammo. WHO THE HELL would carry the weapon with less than one extra mag on him?! So stop arguing with the scarce ammo of a weapon. The other point is something to discuss in the generall forum...it seems we all noticed that there is not enough motivation to stay alife when you got nothing to lose. And when people start playing this game for this: They can actually play COD, BF or any other of these crappy games. More pistols ....w/e....i wouldnt mind them, i just said that there would be nothing new about them. Red dot sight would improve the aiming quality. And the aiming quality effects the effective range of the weapon....its called EFFECTIVE range after all for at least two reasons: Bullets strength and the ability to precisely hit a target from a certain distance. I doesnt actually increase the range...but it gets easier to aim and therefor hit and therefor the effectiveness. Also, if you got a suggestion like giving the game more shotties, you should rather open a new suggestion thread or search one where you can post you love for those weapons....this one is about the P90 and should stay that way.
  5. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    Finally one reason that is not: I hate more weapons Although i allready stated twice that the P90 would be the first SMG with a scope, making it a lot easier to use and a lot more effective. I wouldnt mind having to find very few ammo, but the ammo is a different problem that is allready discussed in plenty of other threads regarding all those heli crash site weapons. One more of those or one less wouldnt make a gamebreaking negative difference. It IS a little more modern but i dont think one can take that as a strong argument for not picking it up unless you also argument for patching out those nighvision and warmth vision weapons.
  6. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    I obviously didnt skip over it as you could clearly see in the post i quoted it in. And i can only repeat myself: A personal defense weapon to be used for personal defense seem pretty much the only buisness those weapons have at all. And i think killing infected beings as well as other players in order to stop/prevent them from killing you is somewhat called defense. What i want to say with this, and i hope YOU dont skip over this again, is that this weapon DOES have a freaking lot of buisness in this game world. Also i think you are right when you're saying that this game should not move to being a pvp only game. But you gotta be realistic here... All you can achieve in this game is lasting very long. But who would have fun in lasting long, when all they have to and can do is run from the infected, picking up stuff to cover their basic needs and waiting. The PVP element of this game is very crucial. You need to have a goal in this game other than surviving cause that would just be too easy. I played a lot the last week and i experienced following: It got kinda boring just to roam around the map avoiding infected and getting just what you need to stay alife (i.e. food and water). Then there were two things that got my heart beating faster and my excitement rising: 1. I found a heli crash site and got two nice weapons with some rare ammo. I wanted to keep them both in my backpack for my friends and therefor couldnt log out because weapons get lost when you log out too shortly after obtaining them (when you stash them in your backpack). So i was even more motivated to stay alife and had to be insanely careful... 2. I raided the NW airfield with three of my friend while we had some pretty nice gear. It was very exciting cause it takes quite some time to get your whole team geared up a little and get up to the airfield and you didnt want to lose that. So what made this game really breathtaking was not the surviving itself.....its useless if you got nothing to lose. It was the fact that i got stuff with me, that i liked and didnt want to lose. And the things you appreciate having are almost allways the things that are very uncommonly found. Which brings us back to the weapons. I loved my M107 and was soo lucky to have three mags with it at the crashsite. If i didnt have it, what would change if i died and started over? You get what i want to say? There are other things that bare worth in this game and that you dont want to lose for example a ghillie suit... But as long as you can use weapons in this game, they will be one of the things you will want to have. And they will be one reason for you not wanting to die.
  7. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    Looool. All those haters... Its not my favorite gun. I got no favorite gun cause i NEVER EVER played ANY ego shooter games in my whole life. I played some GTA and i cant remember the P90 being in any of the GTA series. Other than that, the only weapons i used were some bows, axes and stuff in games and a rapier in real life. I would love the P90 to be in this game, because i would love to see a viable SMG. A weapon with a scope, that is silenced (and YES this weapon CAN be silenced just like almost ANY other weapon can) and got little recoil for a drawback of being very rare and having not so high range. As other people allready stated: SMGs are pretty much useless compared to assault rifles but for some reason they are a lot less often found. I dont see where the fucking PDW is matters in this discussion and i dont really remember the Bizon having a scope.... So this weapon would definitely ADD something to the game. IF you "more-weapons-haters" like it or not. If you want this to be a pure survival game, which it CLEARLY IS NOT, as i stated above allready (and again, you can all read yourself on the mainpage of the website of this game), you could just aswell remove all weapons except one gun of each class and run around picking up cans of food and soda. Other people actually enjoy ALL the aspects of this game, INCLUDING shooting infected people aswell as players. Yes this is warfare. And yes, you want to survive and kill the rest of those hostile beings, which makes this game kind of a deathmatch. If you dont like it, go create your own mod and make it a player versus enviroment only game. PLEASE!! Would you people take the game for what it is and stop complaining about others doing so. If ANYONE here got a reason for not implementing that weapon in a future standalone version (where it doesnt matter if you got the stupid model in Arma or not), PLEASE say it and I will happily consider it and discuss it. If not....just go shout out your hate for this idea in the hating forum. Oh wait...there is none. -.- EDIT: Yeah...you are right....a personal defence weapon used on supply forces and many more is definitely NOTHING someone would like to use to DEFEND HIMSELF against a pack of infected zombielike people.....see what i did there? (hint: sarcasm) On the other side, your Skorpion looks kinda like a Semi-automatic UZI....its used like a pistol, so i guess it would take the sidearm slot too, so this actually CAN be compared to the PDW...i dont really see anything new this weapon would add to the game....except for the different looking model of cause. Could be little more precise than the PDW and not be silenced but more commonly found... But...on the other hand there allready are 7 sidearms that cover almost everything a sidearm can offer. (unlike the actual primary weapon SMGs, which we only got three of)
  8. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    Ok PLEASE read before you ask...i allready wrote in my opening post, that it would add an SMG with a skope meaning an SMG with just a tiny little bit more effective range, which would be awesome. Cause now SMGs are a little useless compared to assault rifles like the M4A1 CCO and the silenced version of it. Giving us a weapon with less power than assault rifles but silenced and a little less range with equal or higher rarity would improve the game in my opinion. You are right...this isn't a modern warfare deathmatch but a survival warfare deathmatch. Watch dayzmod.com and take a closer look at the mainpage. It sais 1.Scavange 2.Slay 3.Survive. So the creator of this mod himself gave us three things at hand, one of which being SLAYING STUFF!! Oh wait....in order to do that we need and get the weapons we actually would be able to get in a real situation. In my opinion they can add all the weapons in the world when they enlarge the map accordingly. We got a massive map and we shall have all the weapons we can get (that add the game some feature and variety). Would be very rare just like i said. And the ammo too, as the mags in reality contain 50 bullets and when you got 50 shots on a silent weapon with decent range you have to give it a drawback....in this case: Rarity of the weapon itself and its ammo. Somewhat like the Bizon. =)
  9. FreezyTouch

    FN P90 added to the game

    I would love to see the FN P90 added to the game. We allready got two FN weapons ingame and the P90 would be an awesome addition to the repertoir of SMGs you can get. Also would be nice to see an SMG with a scope AND possibly silenced. Ofc it would have to be VERY RARE. Heli crash sites only and a low drop rate or so. Would fit perfectly and give us a viable SMG that can keep up with the assault and sniper rifles that you can get from heli crash sites allready.
  10. FreezyTouch

    Ammo for rare guns.

    In my opinion some of the here posted is just wrong. First of all, to the people talking about this being a survival game and evey bullet needs to be crucial and so on: This is a survival GAME. I can spend 20 minutes in a large city and get two refillable bottles a hatched some matches and a hunting knife....maybe one or two cans of food and soda. When i got these...i can survive ingame for more than a whole day realtime. Actually, you could pretty much survive for ever without even killing ANYTHING else but a cow...but is that fun? A game should be fun...thats why there are weapons in this game after all...so you can do something else than sitting in the jungle cutting animals and refilling empty bottles. This is a zomby apocalyps after all. Then again to the people talking about it being stupid to find that ammo too easily: WTF??!?! 1-2% more chance of finding that ammo is too easy?!?! Also, as this is somehow supposed to be as realistic as possible: how the f*** is it realistic to find a weapon on a heli crash site.....with no ammo....not even on the people that were obviously on that heli..... I think the average soldier got more than one magazin for his mainweapon with him...especially as its an smg.... I think it would be nice to have another way to find those Mags for Bizon and FAL.
  11. FreezyTouch

    Backpack Items Missing.

    August 10 2012 Logged out, back in, my char was dead, back out and in again, my char was there again but lost my mp5sd out of my alice backpack. barracks on the international airfield i logged in and out on different servers v1.7.2.4 random german servers....couldnt remember them all.