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Zelarn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Zelarn (DayZ)

  1. Zelarn (DayZ)

    Got: Camo & NVG Want: GPS & Rangefinder

    GPS for NVG? :o
  2. Zelarn (DayZ)

    [Trade] My GPS/Camo/Ghillie/much more, your L85

    i'm at work and my boss is near atm. i think i will be on and up for a trade in aprox 2-3h :D
  3. Zelarn (DayZ)

    Trading an L85, offers

    can offer DMR/2 Mags FN Fal/4 Mags GPS Radio
  4. I'm searching an L85A2 (no Mags needed). I can offer: GPS DMR + 1 Mag 4 FN Fal Mag M16A2 Maybe i got something else you need. PM me
  5. Zelarn (DayZ)

    [Trade] Searching for L85A2

    *spam* adding one mag to the DMR (DMR/2Mags) and the FN Fal to the 4 FN Fal Mags (FN Fal/4 Mags) oh and i found a radio in some dead survivors. adding this to my "offer for ur L85"-List too :D
  6. Zelarn (DayZ)

    [Trade] Searching for L85A2

    i've never found a silenced weapon :s some mate gave me the MP5SD once. 60secs later server crashed, we logged back in ... and guess what? it was gone :D
  7. Zelarn (DayZ)

    [Trade] Searching for L85A2

    i could be only around 8.30/9 pm CET
  8. Zelarn (DayZ)

    [Trade] Searching for L85A2

    i dont want it for killing. i'm playing sniper assist/oversight mostly for my mate so i fucking love the TWS scope :D
  9. Hi Guyz. Langsam wirds Spiel also Solospieler ein bisschen langweilig, darum suche ich vertrauenswürdige Mitspieler oder eine Gruppe, der ich mich anschließen kann. Ich spiel zwar ab und an mit ein paar Freunden, aber das läuft meißt so ab, das wir 30Min brauchen um uns zu treffen, ich die 1h lang equippe und die dann von Zeds (wtf <.<) getötet werden. Kurz ein paar Infos zu mir: Seit 2 Monaten bei Dayz dabei, seit längerer Zeit auch Arma2 Spieler, also vertraut mit Engine usw Aktueller Charakter: Day 4 L85A2 DMR Ghillie/Camo Outfit GPS/Map/Kompass NVG/Rangefinder Zusatzinfos: Hoste zusammen mit einem von meinen Kumpels nen Server Bevorzuge es bei Nacht bzw Dunkelheit zu spielen 0 Murders/Bandit Kills TS3 (eigener Server am Start) bevorzugt, evtl auch Skype Bin nicht der Ego-Typ, hab auch kein Problem damit Loot abzugeben/zu teilen Was ich mir erhoffe: Vernünftiges Teamplay Campside aufbauen paar Vehicle an den Start bringen Grüße
  10. Zelarn (DayZ)

    [D/A/CH] Suche deutschsprachige Mitspieler/"Clan"

    Niemand? :s Könnt mich hier per PM kontaktieren oder über Steam Necron911835
  11. Zelarn (DayZ)

    What now?

    Beforehand i apologize for my bad english, it's not my mother language and my english skills are acquired 20% through school and 80% through games and movies :P i've been playing DayZ quite a long time now, with the last 2-3 weeks really "serious" (some hours every day). i gathered all the shit i wanted (like Ghille/Camo Suit/L85A2/AS50/NVG/blabla all the shit), build up a campside with 5 or 6 tents, mostly filled with food cans/meat/water/soda and medical supplies, enough for a hole battalion to survive not only 1 zombie apocalypse, but 3. at this point i get really bored, i repaired some vehicles and helped some new players gear themselves, but i've no effin idea what to do now. i really like the setup of the game, and i fully understand that it is in alpha status, no endgame and so on. for sure i could sneak above electro/cherno and kill some snipers in the hills or those guys running a marathon through the city, followed by 50 zeds. but it's not thrilling me to kill other players for nothing and only to kill them. why ruin someone's fun at the game? i see no point in there. so i ask you to help me. any awesome ideas what to do? any community based organization i could support with supplies? any events like midnight crowbar fighting at he-who-must-not-be-named mountain w/o NVGs/flares/any light sources?