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About jimmydevin@googlemail.com

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  1. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Banned for no reason to my knowledge

    Btw my last post was to Fraggle, and I will get in touch with battleye. Because I really never hacked or scripted. Thanks anyway Jack
  2. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Banned for no reason to my knowledge

    Ok thanks for your help, it's greatly appreciated. Jack
  3. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Banned for no reason to my knowledge

    Hello, I just got home today to find that I have a Battleye: Global Ban #838292. And without a doubt I know I have done nothing, to be truly honest I haven't even been playing DayZ that much its just I could not think of anywhere else to post this, I have mainly been playing Wasteland in Arma 2 OA and Takistan life. And the only DayZ servers I have played are the following -UK 431-Noob's Playground -And a German private hive called, Costum server. -Along with a few other random server's (that I can't remember the name of) However the two above are the main ones. The only thing I could think it could of been is that in the Costum Server one, they have a place called the 'Safe Zone' which contains alot of weapons but everyone was using them, along with the owner of the server. So I thought they must have been part of the server. Can anyone help me, I have honestly never hacked before. Is it a bug or a glitch. Thanks Jack
  4. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    The Men Of Chernarus UK/EU Clan Recruiting

    Forgot to add [skype Name] Jackdevin11 thanks
  5. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    The Men Of Chernarus UK/EU Clan Recruiting

    {[Application]} [Age] 16 [Maturity Level] (Out Of Ten) 9/10 I am very mature for my age however when i want to play for fun i can :) [iGN] (In Game Name) Jack [Dayz Played] (How Long you have played DayZ) I have played dayz for nearly 4 months now and i am well experienced and have very good gear.
  6. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN: Jack Age: 16 Location:UK, Liverpool
  7. Count me in however, i have a bandit skin i think its a bug because ive never killed anyone i have 1 wire fencing and 1 tank trap, thanks
  8. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    I have a bandit skin HELP

    Hello, i play mainly solo but when i come across people i help them out as much as i can however today i came across someone and i offered him food and i gave him a blood bag, then along came his freind and he said "i think we should kill him" (about me) i replied "why" he said "because your a bandit", i then recieved a few rounds into my head. I thought the skin i had was just a normal skin however it turns out it after doing a bit of researching its a bandit skin, im so confuesed i have never killed anyone also sometimes it switches to another skin the normal one and sometimes when it does that i lose my backpack, i figure this must be a bug or something, is there a way to fix it, and is anyone having the same problem. Thanks jack
  9. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Debug monitor gone HELP

    ok thanks everyone, dam i thought it must have been a bug or something, oh well thanks anyway
  10. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Debug monitor gone HELP

    Hello i recently updated to and arma 2 version 96585 and ever since my debug monitor has gone, any help. thanks jack
  11. Hello, Im a 16 year old, who plays Dayz, i have been playing dayz for a while now with a freind, however my freind is going on student exchange for a year and i am looking for a squad or a few people to play with, i am looking for a squad that mainly has fun, and plays often. I am a fun and serious player. I am a experienced player with over 2 months playing. I have skype and Teamspeak. If you have a squad or would like to play with me either reply to this topic or Add me on steam and send me a message. Steam name= devooox
  12. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Trading stuff for coyote backpack

    i would trade you the AS50 for a coyote backpack
  13. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    Spawning on coast, logging out at NWAF

    same thing happened to me :(
  14. jimmydevin@googlemail.com

    I keep spawning on the coast after i relog

    same here :( :( :( :(
  15. jimmydevin@googlemail.com


    hello i recently got teleported to devils castle by a hacker along with the other people in the server he then killed people one of then being me and i lost all of my gear, is there any way i can get it back.