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Everything posted by ArcheusCross

  1. ArcheusCross

    Day Zero Begins - Miami

    .. Yeah if i was the officer in the video. "DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS!" *thumbs up*
  2. ArcheusCross

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Hmmm. Registered to post this. I agree with what rocket wants to do but on the other hand i don't want it to devolve into a tk fest with no meaning. This is just an idea so bear with me as i'm thinking of ideas. So here it is: Why not have an option, such as the check pulse option, to check someones bag? And if they have a low humanity make it show text in the chat window that you see blood stains all over their items inside? This will do a few things. For one, the player will have to submit for a check.. and if they don't they are obviously hiding something. And lets say for instance they do submit and you find bloody items? Well they have to expain themselves.. perhaps they could say it was self defense? Perhaps what they said would be true.. but it would make you paranoid a bit and keep them in front of you instead of behind. Thus making them earn your trust. I mean after all.... if someones really hell bent on taking your items they will do so regardless of skin guys.. and half the time you wont even get a chance to see said skin... so the bandit skin is a moot point really. Anyway just my two cents.