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Everything posted by Eru_Diaburo

  1. Well, it was 1 minute left before the server restart, so I've ejected and saved my vehicle. When I reconnected it was gone...Today it was back again but it's gear was respawned to a default state (camping tent and other crap)
  2. So how many times do you need to press "Save Vehicle" to actually find where you left it with all it's gear after server restart?
  3. Found a G36 SD in NWAF barracks right now. Is it legit? Just curious
  4. Seriously, guys? How could you place 2 tents in such a deserted and I might say "ruined" place full of gear for silent night operations that would be enough for an entire squad? inb4 hackers spawned 2 tents with similiar top-tier loot
  5. To the guy that had a tractor with several rifles and a DMR: you have my sincere apologises as I have hijacked your vehicle, while it was parked in some village (Gvozdno, I believe?). I would totally give it back to you, but alas I was shot an hour later trying to repair ATV I've found :D Sadly enough I lost that precious DMR to some lucky bastard. To the guy that shot me in the head: you're a dick, haven't saw that coming, cheers with your loot :D I'll be back, and more careful this time. Also to the guy(s) that has 2 tents, and hoarded a tractor, a bus and an ATV a while ago: nice camp placement, if you wanna I could share those tents with you (I mean store my stuff there also). Totally worth spending my time to register here 8)