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About NoobAnon

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kansas City
  • Interests
    Gaming, Web Development and Administration, Metal Working, Technology, Hats and Beef Jerky
  1. NoobAnon

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    You're so wise... You're like a miniature Buddha. You're complete lack of knowledge in your signature is amazing. But in general, you are amazing. If you keep practicing, you too can color within the lines one day. Don't get frustrated, it's an instrument for teaching, and you will master it eventually.
  2. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    We have again fixed the "time setting" on our server, so it should now be starting at 5PM again allowing some day and some night every 4 hours. We also attempted to reset our "restart scheduler" so that it "should" once again be restarting every 4 hours. We would like to remind everyone having problems with admin abuse that our server is a fun and fair place to play. We would also like to know if people would prefer to remove third person view, or change the server to hardcore mode, which also disables third person.
  3. Good point, that is my bad, I didn't really mean the browsing system in specific. I should have been a little more generic instead. Maybe I should have just omitted that comment, considering I don't know that there is any relation between the MoD server listing issues and the SA. However, while the listing systems have changed, definitely for the better, the way servers operate and "load" have alot of similarity. I know they are completely different in many aspects now, but there are some things that are run the same way as before. I wasn't pointing the finger at that being the problem, I was just saying, right now no one knows, but we do know there were problems in the MoD, and somethings are very similair, so perhaps the problem could just be an inherent server bug related to something minute that hasn't changed. Or it could be completely on the server hosts' end, something they never changed because it didn't need changing. I dunno. I was just throwing some guesses out there. Either way I'm glad you solved your problem Irongiant.
  4. There have always been issues with servers not showing up in the browser and I doubt the browsers coding has changed much. So, what I would recommend would be to make sure you are browsing "INTERNET" games, and not "LAN". Second I would check your filter, and set your ping high and make sure nothing else is "set" to anything, like a server name, so the list will show fully. Last but not least, refresh the list, and wait till it is fully populated, THEN, go back in and type your server name, or even just a few letters incase you mispelled it. If your server is still not showing up, but playable then something is wrong. Always give it 24 hours just incase it is something as simple as a cache not being reset somewhere so it's not showing up. If it's still not showing up after 24 hours I would contact your host. I assume you already have the issue resolved, but I'm letting other know.
  5. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    So, after some time waiting on a response, we were told that it appeared to be functioning properly. So... We set the server start time 1 more hour ahead, please let me know if this solves the issue so we have some day and some night as I rarely have the time to play for more than 30 minutes or so here and there right now. We are also looking for admins at different times, so we can have someone around to restart the server if it crashes and doesn't come back up. We do have an automated system to restart the server in the event of a crash, but sometimes having to wait 5-15 minutes on the automated system to catch it can be highly distressing to players, so having an admin online during those crashes would be nice. We are not in a rush for admins right now as there isn't much admins are capable of right now, but we would like to have a good team by the time the game in close to completion. If you are interested, send me a private message and I will respond as quickly as I can.
  6. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    Thank you for the info, the host says it seems to be working correctly. This weekend I will change it to a slightly later start time and see if we get more night.
  7. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    The server should be back up again now, I know your post was from a week ago, although the problem happened again today. Just letting you know it is infact back online. I am awaiting a response from the host on the daylight/night issue, because our server is set to the proper time to include some nighttime before restart.
  8. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    Yea, apologies, the host has been having some issues. We are trying to get it figured out, it seems our "online" time has been rather shoddy here lately. I am going to check into the lack of night time and see if I can figure out what is going on. Perhaps the starting hour got moved back earlier than it should have been.
  9. NoobAnon

    RCON dayz SA

    I'm not sure where you are getting that we think we are "above you". Perhaps my word choice would compel you to feel this way, but I assure you, I do not think I am above you. I would however like to say some things in regards to what you have said to others and me. I am quite certain that I was hosting and operating servers well before your time, and I am not an animal. However, your first point makes no sense, you say, long before we came along, gaming and their communities, supported any game and the mods. What exactly are you trying to say? I see you are saying, they supported coding/renting/websites, and that we shouldn't tell those that rent, that they shouldn't spend their money or dedication to run a server. Again, you are making no sense. Perfect example is Origins? Please do not compare this to Origins, there is a distinct reason Origins has been falling apart. I did infact run an Origins server for quite some time, we were ranked 2nd in terms of popularity before I gave up on Origins. The reason Origins failed is because the Developers (if you call them that) provided no support to server renters, and the server hosts didn't either because they had signed a non-disclosure agreement. So, no one would fix anything and the server renters (you and me) couldn't fix anything either. That wouldn't be that big of a deal if Origins wasn't based solely around progression and keeping that progression. So, when everyone had spent countless hours building and collecting, and the server came onto "issues", you had to wipe the server and start over because no one would fix anything and you weren't allowed to. That is what destroyed Origins, not to mention that fact that admins had full control over their server, but had no ability to actually monitor what was happening. So you could lock/whitelist/kick/ban. But you had no idea what was happening. They even locked log access. Which is fine, if someone is taking care of the hacking, which they weren't. Hacking was rampant in Origins, and no admin could control it. It was a guessing game, kick people you don't know until the bombing stops, then ban the last one out. Now onto, the games "needing" the coders and clans. I can assure you, that for every clan that dislikes what is currently allowed, there is one that is fine with it, same goes for "coders", of which they don't need. I think you are completely missing what is going on. There are Public servers and Private servers, private is not released yet. YET, being the keyword. You will get to have a private hive, where you can operate you clan and do whatever you like. But in the realm of the public hive it is unfair to allow servers to lock themselves. It is TOO easy to exploit this. It wouldn't matter at all if your character didn't carry over to another server, then every server would be private. You need to remember this is not CoD or counter strike, this is an MMO. I'm not sure if you have played any other MMOs, but you can't let people on one server have special rules, that can then jump to another server with a different set of rules and carry over what they did on the other server. You might as well ask for "clans" to be able to purchase gear sets from BI and be able to just load into servers with gear already in place. Granted, not all those wanting to lock their servers want to do this, so they can loot and jump to a non-locked server and go kill, but MANY will. This would damage the community, you CAN wait until private hives are available, then anything you do on your locked server will STAY on your locked server like it should. Lastly, you are correct, no one has the right to tell you how to spend your money. Only you can tell you how to spend your money. So....? I guess I'm not understanding what you are talking about. That's like saying, I bought a Lambo and got a speeding ticket, this is BS. No one FORCED you to rent a server. What they did, was say, IF<------- You want to rent a server, HERE are the rules. You said, OK!! But now you say, NO, I don't agree with those rules, you can't tell me how to spend my money. That makes absolutely no sense. Did you know that there are TERMS OF USE when you buy a game? They dictate HOW you can use that game and you MUST follow them. No one said you had to buy it, YOU CHOSE to do that. And your theory on who pays for the public hives is quite interesting. If you use that logic, then actually the person who employs you pays for the public hive, and if you go farther, the customer of your employer pays for the hive. I mean, how far do you want to take it? Lets say you work at a department store, just a guess...(Arrows -> indicate money transfer) Department Store Customer Buys Something -> Department Store Pays YOU for working -> You Pay money to rent server -> Server host pays royalty to BI -> BI pays Datacenter to run public hive.... Come to think of it, you are giving your money to rocket! He should be answering you directly and cleaning your house for what you pay. Seriously, come on... Put this on console if you want people to fall in line and obey? I think that's what rules are for. You must be someone who thinks they are above the rules. You probably download bootleg movies because you don't agree that you should have to pay to see them. Or you're the other side that gets mad when a bootleg movie comes out and it's not bluray 1080p quality and you go off and badmouth the person that provided you with it. Instead of telling other people what to do, why do you do what most of are doing, and read the rules, then either agree and continue, or disagree and stop. Let's not forget above all else.... THIS IS ALPHA, YOU WERE VERY CLEARLY WARNED AND YOU ARE VERY CLEARLY WARNED WHEN YOU LOG INTO THE GAME THAT IT IS NOT COMPLETE!! Stop assuming certain aspects should be completed to cater to your needs, or else it will fail. It will only fail if things promised aren't ever implemented. Until it's complete, let's all just calm down and stop expecting things to be a certain way, please.
  10. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    Then my job is done. We can all now enjoy world peace.
  11. NoobAnon

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    I think you have a good thing going, it's only a bummer really you can't technically enforce your rules until you can be on your own hive. I only say it's a bummer because you aren't doing it to exploit other servers, but there would be people who would. RP is not my cup of tea, but I say more power to you my friend. I will direct people looking for a good RP server to you, maybe if you get enough RP'ers you won't have to worry about enforcing the rules and can actually do your thing without having to wait on private hives and whitelisting.
  12. NoobAnon

    NoobAnon.com Gaming

    Hello Survivors Our server is finally back online, however we have changed IP's due to a massive, seemingly never ending DDoS attack. Our new IP is listed in my signature. We restart every 4 hours, at restart it is 4PM, so you get approximately 2 hours of daylight and 2 hours of night. We have a website also listed in case you have any problems or complaints you want to take up with myself. If you feel that you need to, then you can report them here. We are NOT operated by a clan or group that plays together, most of the admin team are made up of solo players, but if you feel as though one is being abusive please report it on here or to myself on our forums, or via a private message. For right now, you shouldn't even notice an admins presence because server restarts are taken care of automatically and we don't have access to much else to confirm or deny suspicious activity. Our server is located in Central US out of Kansas City. We have a TeamSpeak 3 Server holding up to 75 people. It is open to the public, although, if you would like we can setup a passworded channel for a group that you have. Just ask on our forums and we can get you setup. The server is noobanon.typefrag.com port 60140 We do plan to have prizes and giveaways when tracking of statistics in game is available. We do not encourage KoS on our server, and most of the admin team are not bandits. We do however think that KoS and Bandits are a part of the game, so don't expect us to put a stop to it, we just do not engage in that activity. We do not take sides and we do not kick, even to make room for ourselves. We pride ourselves on having an equal opportunity gaming server. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  13. NoobAnon

    Day/Night Cycle Servers

    Just wanted to let you know since you are following this post, our IP has changed, but we are back online now. The new IP is listed in my signature.
  14. NoobAnon

    How i can host my own dedicated server ?

    In the future possibly... however, you are saying 100mb/s. First, are we saying 100mbit, or 100mbyte, second is that up and down? The reason I ask, is because I'm not sure whether you are talking about a box run out of your own home? If it is run out of your own home, you will likely see poor performance for a number of reasons, depending on what connection you are paying for. If it is out of your home, do you have a static IP?
  15. Since we are in the alpha there isn't alot left "to do". So my recommendation is rather than becoming a bandit, why not explore and look for bugs. I'm not trying to say bandits are bad, or helping players is good, those are parts of the game that will always be there. However, assisting in finding bugs and problems will be far more beneficial to getting more content out faster. We all want more content and more things to do, but if you feel like you've done what you can, I say, explore and find problems. Search for the places people aren't going, and try to find bugs and issues, write them down and post them. Be something better than just a player in the alpha. Or, you can always just explore and look for the best places to scope areas from from helping or being a bandit. There are alot of things you can do right now, just not alot of progression you can do right now. That's my beans :-)