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About Kaiostheory

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kaiostheory

    Larger map + more players

    Check out me other post about more randomness in the map and map layout: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67391-more-randomish-map/
  2. Kaiostheory

    Larger map + more players

    That is one thing I hope they refine alot for the standalone. Is how the HIVE works. Comming from a professional programming background there are many ways some more complicated than others to help streamline the HIVE process. This would allow the bandwidth to be balanced much better and allow for more storage. And to be honest the HIVE would not require more data than current since the player data wont change from what it is now since it already stores the players location and isnt server specific. As for the resources to control the zeds that would also not be a huge increase in power on the server side just on the client side. Given I do nto know how Arrma 2 or 3 handle server side storage, again there are a few tricks that can be used to dramaticly lower the power required to handle more zeds.
  3. Kaiostheory

    More randomish map

    The idea behind this is to not make it so random that it doesnt feel real but to give enough randomness that it requires the ingame map due to the possible changes there is no "Standard" map layout. This will alow not only each server to more or less have a unique map but also to allow or rather force the exploration of your enviroment when entering a new server.
  4. Kaiostheory

    More randomish map

    Another thing I would like to see in this game is to have more random map features. Like maybe there are certian place towns can spawn similar to how choppers spawn. Then maybe there can be some random hill/ mountians as well maybe even completely random maps. I realize this will take up more resources but with a standalone this can be possible. Then having the in game map is even more impotrant since an external map can only be use as an idea of referance but not for true location help.
  5. Kaiostheory

    Larger map + more players

    Awesome! Ya I knew about the underground bases. That was also a main reason I would like to see more people on a map. I think one of hte main reason Bandits are so prevalent is because there are so few people on a map, so there is less fear of counter attack. That being said I love that the game has/allows Bandits I just think with more players in a map aside from being way more fun (and more people to kill if that is the case) it would give Bandits more of a reason to watch their back :)
  6. Kaiostheory

    Larger map + more players

    I would love to see the standalone to be a larger map and to have more players in a server. I just picture this game being this great survival sim. And one thing I feel is missing is that most server I enter have 40 ish people in it. now maybe the map doesnt need to be larger but I would like to see more players. Giving there is a point were a map will get crowded. Hence that increase in map sizze as well. Anyway just something I felt likek I wanted to throw out. I love this game and cant wait to see it beat out theWarz. And I think that might be theWarz only feature that I think will have weight is that the maps are 200-400km and 200 platyers per server.