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About chrislocho@gmail.com

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  1. As the title says, does anyone know a setting I can use to disable touchpad ONLY while I'm in game? I am almost certain someone will post "don't touch the keypad" as a solution :P But seriously, anyone know if it is possible? Thanks a bunch in advance :)
  2. @ camper-joe When does the server restart? was told half past midnight, came back and the loot was the same :(
  3. Same I'm in HK and play often on sg servers, steam name chrislocho or skype chrislocho, hit me up!
  4. Same I'm in HK and play often on ah servers, steam name chrislocho or skype chrislocho, hit me up!
  5. chrislocho@gmail.com

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    Just to say I had the same problem, was in elecktro and spawned in on the cost at cherno. I didn't have a ghillie, I wish I did tho :P
  6. chrislocho@gmail.com

    New player looking searching for friends in asia

    Where should I go to ask then? thought this was the new players forum? anyway still, thanks :) Aits added you, looks like you say your from england? Dyu study there?
  7. Hey guys, well obviously any of you actually clicked on this topic will be near asia, I'm based in hongkong, and there only seems to be one hk server, always locked tho. I mean i can also play in america servers, but with a higher ping. Anyway fairly new to the game, but know all about it really, just looking for people to team up and play with, I speak mainly english, but i can also speak cantonese Anyone interested to have some fun just hit me up ! :P
  8. chrislocho@gmail.com

    Noob with a Ghillie Suit

    Nah think your're wrong here, supposively it has no effect on zombie detection. http://www.dayzwiki....ki/Ghillie_Suit "The Ghillie Suit is one of the most sought after forms of attire in all of DayZ. It allows the player to cover himself/herself in a large, military-grade sniping suit covered with large leaves and brush to allow the player to blend in with almost every forest environment in the game. Although the suit does not offer protection from zombies, it is effective for staying out of sight of other players. It is also useful for hiding from players in helicopters."
  9. My best guess is due to what your doing here^ I mean supposively they need both games on the same account to play, so might be due to you using this "loop'round"
  10. chrislocho@gmail.com

    AK ammo silenced? and other ammo types

    ahh i see thanks a bunch guys :P
  11. chrislocho@gmail.com

    AK ammo silenced? and other ammo types

    hey guys, came across some ak ammo and ak sd ammo, was wondering how id switch ammo types to to use in different scenarios? much thanks :)