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Everything posted by SgtBoone

  1. I get this quite alot, When try any game, i get useless FPS, i restart my computer, Medium-max everything as usual 40-60 FPS, just try a restart, if that doesnt work, post in the Troubleshooting section!
  2. SgtBoone

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ohh guys, pull the tampon from yourselfs and put a new one in! Starting to get abit old now....''DayZ is dead, falling apart'' Dunno what you expect? This is Alpha, so they put an update thats not all we thought it would be? so what, Minecraft alpha updates, you COULDNT play multiplayer for a month after the update because Bukkit wouldnt update, and Bukkit ran majorirty of the servers, and Rocket wants this game to take the road that Minecraft took, so from my POV this is all going rather well, ok, i can't play DayZ, im stuck at NW airfield because or Screen Tearing or Artifacting/whatever you want to call it But im not sat on Forums crying my ass off because this is in Alpha and you want all this new shiny stuff?!?! Be patient guys, the devs will figure it out and when they do, we can all relax and play this addictive game :) Don't quit out on Rocket and the guys, they need you
  3. Name: Ben Location: UK Preferred Game Type: Sniper - Experience from real life combat situations *Designated Marksman in our Airsoft team* Current Gear: M24 - Rangefinders/NVG's - M9SD - M4A1 CCO SD - Ghillie Suit. Age: 15 - 16 in January Background info: As mentioned before I am a Squad sniper or Designated Marksman in our 5 man team who play airsoft on a frequent basis My play style whilst in DayZ is to have a look at the scenario before running&gunning, I will see how many hostiles are in my view and will asses the situation on the squad we have compared to theirs. I am 15, yes perhaps a little of putting but with 4 years of playing WoW in the top 30 guilds worldwide I have much gaming experience to offer aswell as a mature, yet serious attitude towards gaming. I can play currently everyday, from the hours or GMT+1 - 8:00am - 11:00am *GYM* then from 2:00pm-??:am *?? = whatever time the squad needs, can do as long as my body will survive* I am available to contact via Skype: Strayduos Steam: TheFamiliarName I also have a mic/TS3/Ventrillo I’m looking forward to a reply from your squad
  4. Greetings all DayZ players! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Ben, aged 15, 16 in January - Gamed for my whole life Currently playing DayZ for about 2 months, maybe a little less I have extensive Forum use as I have been GM of 2 guilds in WoW (Quit now) We were ranked 6th on our Realm and had great communication with each other! Taking as much knowledge as possible from my previous games, my intention on finding a clan is in dire need! I hate going to Stary or Airfield and getting sniped by a 4-6 man squad! So I’m looking for a small squad, perhaps 3-6 people, good geared and have some sort of TeamSpeak or Ventrillo server I am looking for English players in the region of 16+ As i am mature myself I don't want some 13 year old screaming down my mic that his dinner was ''f**king amazing'' Or other of the topic genres.... Contact Information: Skype - Strayduos Steam - TheFamiliarName Or post back in this thread, though Skyping me is the best option. Many thanks, Ben M
  5. ...You start to dream about going to Cherno/Elektro and getting supplies....