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About SgtBoone

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. SgtBoone

    The Fallen - New Bandit Group/Guild

    Boone, 18 from the UK, been playing a very, very long time, im looking for bandits like yourselves! So, a little backstory on me, im solo player who has came from a military clan for 2+ years to which i disbanded due to activity within the group. Im 18 as said before. This will sound so big headed, but I am the best in piloting, and everything else is pretty god dam good, considering I have over 1k hours in Epoch, and 500 in Original vanila, as well as spending some time with YouTubers on a Private server as well as participating in several Hunger games and winning. So I specialise in really anything! (DayZ is really the only game I have ever been good at!) I play a lot, perhaps 4-5 times per week, some nights are spent doing College work, balancing my actual job, and with the misses, but I can spend good days playing this game still! I am a good navigator, I did a livestream for 12 hours without using the Map around Chernarus finding players, with missions just a caption telling you where a bouts it is, and thats where you met for gunfights. Piloting as said before has been my primary focus, spending all my time flying, even more so in a mod for Arma 2 called MSO which dedicates itself on being a realistic simulator of combat, i spent many hours there as a pilot. I will be dedicated to the clan, if you guys kill shit, i will follow! I am a good leader, I will be a trial so maybe no leading but I am good at following orders, as well as giving them, I will bring a constant 360 scan around our group making sure we are not followed, or about to be engaged on. I will be your eyes and ears if needed as well as an escape plan being bait for a large plan to escape our clan from a larger threat we may not be able to handle. I have been in many, too many to mention names off, mostly my own squad for over 2 years we kept in contact playing on a server we destroyed! we loved our time there and I want to still play! Let me know how my application goes guys, Steam: Darkevender Skype: Strayduos - (Ben) cheers.
  2. Well, if that title didnt play with your mind, I think you may have found the right thread! :) So... Im Ben, im 19 from England and have played DayZ since the very first week of the mod being released, having put over 10k hours into this game, I feel i know almost everything there is to know about DayZ, I have been in multiple groups and even formed my own squad of 5 and was quite successful but after 1-2 years people just lost interest but I never did. So, im looking for some more English people to join in the activities and get rocking on a good DayZ server. At the moment, im just 1, with the exception of my good friend Bas, who will play if I can muster up a group of 3-4 people! Here are the requirements and the things and bobs!? Requirements: UK people only, it is hard to play with people in different time zones, even that of an hour or so makes a difference sometimes! plus, trying to understand a strong Manchester accent and Bas who is about as Scottish as Kilts and iron bru, we dont want any confusion mid fight because of accents! UK only please <3 18+ Myself and Bas have been playing since 15-16 and understand how far maturity goes especially when you are young, this is why we only want 18+, please dont lie about your age, if you arent 18, you arent old enough to handle our conversation nor our attitude and lifestyles. Be Happy, be open be yourself, but please please please, have over 1k hours in DayZ mod! - We want the cream of the cake in our group, we dont want newbies! Have TeamSpeak3 and a Microphone as well as a good computer, we cant have you lagging everywhere! and have Epoch and Overwatch installed, but mainly Epoch as it is our most played. Most importantly, as said before, be yourself, we are all human and we have a laugh, but when we get in a gun fight or feel a little uneasy, our heads turn around and a different attitude is then played out, where tactics and real time strategics becomes a real part of our gaming sessions. Please feel free to reply post to this, or contact me on Skype at - Strayduos - This is where I can ask you some questions and get to know one another! Cheers guys, best of luck <3 Ben
  3. Morning lads! What we are looking for: READ ALL OF THE BELOW, I WILL SCREAM IF YOU APPLY AND HAVNT READ THIS IMPORTANT STUFF BELOW! English members only and live in the UK (Due to time zone changes and also convenience, if we are all English we can communicate faster, we love to play with people from all around the world, but its easier if we are all from the UK and speak English) Must be 16+ (We don't need annoying kids) Have TeamSpeak3 Already downloaded and know how to use it (Vital as we use this everyday and own our own sever) Have a good headset, we want the creme-de-le-creme of people in our squad, the best of the best, and they use the best hardware! BE VOCAL! We have had countless people apply and none of them have spoke on word unless spoken to. (We are all good friends and want someone who can actually hold a conversation, we are serious but we can have banter too so please f*cking speak....) Have played DayZ for longer than 6 months, know Chernarus of the back of your hand, when driving through cities all of our squad knows every detail about the city we are driving through, how many exists is there and how bad cover do we have if we were to be engaged) Have ARMAII experience, this is not a requirement but you are pretty much guaranteed to be accepted because it shows you are skilled in other areas, and thats how we blow of steam by playing Wasteland or ARMAII Armory (If you have played ARMAII before DayZ came out, please do tell me in my Skype what your name was, where you played and how long you have played, it's gives us a little background to who you are) Good luck to anyone who applies, please do not apply on this page, add me on Skype - Strayduos
  4. A team of well experienced guys from the UK have been playing ARMA and DayZ for a long time now and are recruiting new people due to some people being inactive. What we are looking for To live in the UK and be English, this is for ease of communication and time zone differences. To be over the age of 16 as we all don't want screaming kids down our ears. Have a good Microphone Have a good PC (So we don't have to wait 5 years for you to enter a game) Be experienced at DayZ - 6 Months+ only, we will see straight through you if you havnt played for long enough. Be fast and vocal - We use bearings, cities and other landmarks as places to go to and to scout, be knowledgeable about the surroundings of Chernarus and some other maps if you can! Also be vocal on the mic, we have a laugh at times when we go on Wasteland and other maps so please be able to speak like a friend not just a stranger! Have fun, yeah we are somewhat attempting to be professional but at the end of the day, it's a game, we take it seriously but love having fun! If you have any other questions or inquires please feel free to message me on Skype or if you don't want to apply through the forums. Many thanks, Ben M Skype: Strayduos
  5. SgtBoone

    Instinct is now recruting!

  6. SgtBoone

    Instinct is now recruting!

    Bump - Still need 2 more applications!
  8. One to maybe two more people to be recruited! :)
  9. Accepted: One more person is stil being recruited!
  10. Accepted: One more person is stil being recruited!
  11. Still Recruiting: 2 more players for the squad.
  12. Declined due to age and lack of information, sorry! Try again if you feel like it :)
  13. Still looking for 1-2 more people to join Silent_Jamie: Accepted
  14. Thanks for the reply Jamie, if i could get some skpye details that would be great!