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Posts posted by patty1303@live.com.au

  1. Unconscious

    Symptoms Character will have an hourglass in the middle of their screen and all colors will fade (white and black, blurry) , along with inability to chat, move, etc. (game controls disabled) Causes Causes of being Unconscious:

    • A very large amount of lethal damage. (most rifles, sniper rifles, and high military-graded weapons)
    • Dropping below 3000 blood will cause the player to drift in and out of consciousness (there is a 1 in 100 chance for this, and it is rolled once every second in the game).
    • Logging in with the Shock condition.
    • Being hit by a zombie with less than 9000 blood.

    Treatment An Epi-Pen will fix this condition instantly, however if the player has low blood they may head straight back into unconsciousness. It is therefore advised to bandage and fix all other conditions before the player is injected with the Epi-Pen. Remember that an Epi-Pen has to be used by another survivor to give yourself consciousness.

    But how much damage?

    does anyone know?

  2. I got teleported on US 1526 to the edge of the map with a guy waiting to kill people after he teleported them and died. I respawned and got a remmington from the firestation and decided I would go back on the server and try and kill him when he teleports me, but failed (although he didn't kill and now I'm stuck in debug plains with no respawn option >.>) and it said Decide friendly fire on US 1526 so if anything could be done about this. I didn't get to print screen though I was to slow and it faded away.

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