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About niklas

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  1. niklas


    Less smileys. please.
  2. Well, many problems could be avoided if they would just play this Regular ArmA.
  3. niklas

    You know what is bullshit?

    ArmA 2 is a great game, 2tactic00l4u
  4. You got any idea how business works ?
  5. niklas

    My first hacker experience xD

  6. That is your fault for playing on a pub server and not an organized game with a transport chain.
  7. niklas

    FFFUUUU Update

    Just make a bug post, putting retarded memes into title and whining won't help you.
  8. I dropped the gun and crashed the chopper, but can you get banned for using hacked gear/vehicles?
  9. niklas

    Well I can't exactly say he's wrong

    Exactly this bullshit right here. The ArmA community is dedicated as hell. I wouldn't even call a clusterfuck of 12 year olds like on Battlelog or CoD Elite forums a community. You are what makes the DayZ community look bad.
  10. niklas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I hope it is the ArmA 3 engine. So many improvements.