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Hattori Hanzo

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About Hattori Hanzo

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    On the Coast
  1. Hattori Hanzo

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Greetings fellow Day Z Players. Until now, I've been a lurker. Reading stories, taking in all the experience of my fellow players. Last night I was reading this thread and I was excited to go out and explore some of these instances. I have one friend who I play this game with religiously almost. We'll call her Melanie. Tonight before our nightly Day Z session I discussed the content of this thread and how exciting the possibilities of finding some of this stuff would be! What follows is my account of a night I will never forget. All the events described in this post are true and I wouldn't call myself a religious man but I swear to whatever higher being out there that it has made me look at Day Z in a different light. We started playing at about 8:13 PST, it was slightly light out still and we decided to head to Green Mountain. I never knew about Green Mountain nor have I ever come across it. The area itself did not seem so bad. Melanie and I were startled by a few sudden Zed spawns that appeared out of what seemed to be a military building, other than that everything didn't seem out of place. We explored the tower and the area and didn't find anything of value. On our way out, we see a tent has suddenly popped up, now the thing is the sever was empty. We thought no big deal right? Suddenly we heard a little girls voice and then we noticed sudden movments in the shadows of the buiildings. We deicded it was a bit too creepy and we left the server. After that experience we decided instead to go snipe Elektro. We we're there for a while, chatting moslty about things I read in the thread in order to pass the time. I told her about the Stalisky Island and the events described there and also about a "Hatchet" man and sasquatch. We laughed a bit over how absurd some of these things sounded like. Some time passed and we heard some strange noises. It sounded like zombies but we were a good 500 meters and in the woods. Suddenly it hapened I heard a little girl again. I frantically was asking Melanie if she heard the music. She said no, but after what seemed like an eternity she said she did. I unzoomed my M24 and started scanning the area, all the while the sound got louder. We both panicked a bit. Suddenly I turned my view back to the left to restart my scan and there he was; a man covered in blood with an axe. I screamed at Melanie to fire but the bullets didnt seem to phase the man. We decided that bullets were not stopping him so we tried to run. We eventually lost him by splitting up in Elektro and then decided to try another server. After finding a semi full server we met back up and started our routine. We disscussed the weird events and what was going on. Everything seemed to be going ok.Then, siddenly it happened again we heard the little girl laughing or what semmed like giggling and suddenly we were dead. We didn't know what happened. We just, died. We lost a llot of decent gear but we were more concerned with the creepy/strange events. We decided to go back to our home server, not many people were on so it seemed like a good time to try and spend the rest of the night scavenging in preperation for tommorow. We were safe, or so we thought. I spawned in the debug forrest. While trying to find my way out I kept hearing the little girl and would occasionally have what seemed like pistol rounds fired at me. I eventually died of thirst/hunger and spawned in Elektro and scavanged a bit. We made our way to our camp (we have a truck and some tents nothing amazing). after scavenging some supplies getting ready to callit a night. Suddenly as we apreach, we see the truck is on, and the lights are on. Melanie asks me if I had used the truck and forgot to turn it off. I told her no I havent touched the car other than storing some medical supplies and food in it. We think its creepy. At this point she is carrying an AK with a few clips and I'm carrying a revolver with no ammo and some flares I used to make my way around while scavenging at night. Then as we approach the car we see man in a ghillie suit. he looks at us and we hear what sounds like the door opening and shut (the sound it makes when you exit/enter the truck) and the man dissapears. Suddenly we run since we're freaked out since we're not well armed. As we run, we stop and figure we can take him. She hands me her pistol and we decide to out flank him. After all, he found our camp. We need to kill him and move our camp melanie said. I agreed. Suddenly we see a man in the distance again and he vanishes. We hear pistol shots being taken at us but none of them are landing. I tell Melanie this is what happened to me in the debug forest. After what seemed like an eternity we get the courage to try and make it to the truck to leave. As we aproach it we see a man in the passenger side. He looks at us and we hear a voice that says "You're going to die here". I told Melanie im taking the shot, shot through the windows and he slumps over. After discussing how to get his body out to maybe loot it and what we need to repair the truck the Truck magically repairs itself in front of our eyes the man then stands up again and repeats; "I told you, you're going to die". It's at that point that we freaked out, and ran. We abandoned our camp. We spoke on vent and tried to figure out what was happening. Tonight was weird, we seemed to have been followed. it felt like a poltergeist and the series of strange events obviously seem to have been aimed at scaring us. Well they did and now a warning to you my friends; STAY AWAY FROM GREEN MOUNTAIN. Whatever spirit, or thing is there it followed us. And it followed us across servers and it eventually followed us into our home. We lost our gear, our home and our sense of any safety we have. Nothing works against this. Not bullets, not server hopping. Not hiding, not running. Once it finds you, it will stay with you. We fear we have done something that can no longer be undone. What a horrible night to have a curse indeed.