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Everything posted by fzillo

  1. Hi, it was around 1-2 am on 10.08.2012 utc +1 on de 961 soryy it was 961 not 960 possible hacker: ton3n first a guy found our tents in the deepest woods of zelenogorsk and flattened them without destroying anything else around (so no grenade in my opinion), 1hour later we saw 2 guys in ghillie suits at the supermarket, we followed one to a farm and my friend shot him, his name was ton3n, he had the best equip i've ever seen: rangefinder, as50 with heatscope (the blackandwhite one), ghillie suit(he was wearing it), night vision goggles, m4a1 sd acog (not sure about exact name) and a pistol with silencer anyways, this could have been a normal guy, but when we went back to our destroyed tents 15minutes later, the same guy waited there for us (it was definetly ton3n again, we studied the body), after we killed him, he again hat the following loot: another as50 with heatscope, ghillie suit(he was wearing it), another rangefinder and other stuff i dont recall (we disconnected, because hackers usually can do all things of nasty stuff) i do not believe a guy has that much good loot and knows our exact tent position in the middle of the woods, hidden in bushes summary: please check if ton3n is spawning items and is reading out the map somehow thank you, fzillo