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Everything posted by PredatorSchnizel

  1. PredatorSchnizel

    UNIT487 Epoch, Custom Skalisty Mission and plenty more!

    Hey, trying to join your server but can't login? All my dayz and epoch versions match your server requirements but still no dice... -P-
  2. PredatorSchnizel

    -SFP- DayZ Epoch Panthera

    Hello, very good and stable server with helpful and fair admin. If you like Epoch and are tired of Chernarus, you should really check this out!! -P-
  3. Hello, otherwise very good and stable server, however there is one annoying bug: when i join the server, my character spawns in the north west corner of the map, usually its grid 010029. I have all my gear and everything, but it's just nerve wrecking to run back where I logged out. Why is this happening and can you do something about it? My nick is [MERC] Raivo_Taka. Best Regards, -P-
  4. Nice to see you too!! ...already done that, see you in game. ( once i have the time to play... New work, family and video games really don´t mix ;) ) -P- edit: typo
  5. Hi guys, this is my humble request to get whitelisted. I am also trying to get [MERC]Luciferret and [MERC]Lydecker to join me... Best regards, [MERC] PredatorSchnizel
  6. PredatorSchnizel

    Need help Asap new to dayz

    Hello, here is the instructions to play with dayzCommander: after downloading, run BOTH games at least one time. Then download and install DayzCommander. Make sure to only download DayZ Commander directly from here: http://www.dayzcommander.com/ . After that check out that you have dayz and and beta patch installed and up to date. ( these can be found in install/update tab in commander. Currently versions: dayz 1.8 and Arma2 103718.) Thats it. After that all you have to do is to choose the server where you want to play and make sure you have enough beans. Here is a good tutorial about installing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N4iYIe_iGE&feature=player_embedded -P-
  7. PredatorSchnizel

    Problem with rmod2

    Hello, I´m trying to connect to this server: but after launching i get this error message: I tried to remove all those files, but after launching again i get the same message. It eventually says that ALL the files in my @rmod2 folder are not signed by the accepted key. I just downloaded the rmod2.1 from http://offgaming.us/rmod/download/ and everything should be where they are meant to be. I also tried to remove all other launching parameters from my Commander except the -mod:@rmod2. Is there something that i am doing wrong or is this server side problem? I´ve tried to contact the server owner about this but still no answer... Any advice? Best Regards, -P-
  8. PredatorSchnizel

    Problem with rmod2

    Ok, thank you... BUT if I try to launch it without the rmod, it says that i cant play/edit because its dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.rmod. What causes this message then?? Perhaps I just start looking for another server... -P- [edit: typo]
  9. PredatorSchnizel

    [NEW] Behind Enemy Lines DayZ Overwatch Server!

    Hello, really good server and everything is working smooth and stable. Have you considered to add NPC patrols ( like Sarges AI ) instead or along the AI missions? Random encounters with the AI would make surviving more intens especially in times when there is only a few players in the server. Keep up the good work!! -P-
  10. PredatorSchnizel

    Current method to get Single Player working?

    Hello, last week I installed the one that Loafy suggested above^^. Just follw the instructions about the installation and it should work like charm. -P-
  11. PredatorSchnizel

    How Do i download DAYZ

    Hello, after downloading, run BOTH games at least one time. Then download and install DayzCommander. Make sure that you have dayz and and beta patch installed and up to date. ( these can be found in install/update tab in commander. Currently versions: dayz 1.7.71 and Arma2 103718.) Thats it. After that all you have to do is to choose the server where you want to play and make sure you have enough beans. Here is a good tutorial about installing: -P- edit: typo and link
  12. Hello, I was reading previous posts on this thread, and noticed that there has been repair stations and that you have been able to change your clothes by rolling menu. Are this scripts still on? I also noticed that the character in that clothing video is holding a VSS Vintorez, is there added guns in the server also? I and my friend really like your server, it was fun the other day wathing two players with UAZ looting the factory. -P-
  13. Hello, I have a problem about getting in the server. At first the game told to update to the new patch hotfix( ). I did that, but then the game gets stuck on server authentication and after that it kicks me back to lobby. Then there is no other option but to disconnect. I even tried to update my OA-beta to the newest (106400), but it doesnt help, same thing. Any idea where the proublem could be, in this end or is it a server side problem? Anyone else having this after installing the hotfix? -P-
  14. Hello, @Welch, have you checked your OA-beta version and your current patch? I rushed the hotfix in and now it is doing the same to me. Have to wait that the server gets updated... -P- edit: typo
  15. Hi, I was playing in your server today and everything worked like a charm. FPS is good and stable and lots of action, thanks to AI. Will be coming back, this one went straight to my favorites!! -P-
  16. I was playing in today and it seems that the server is now only pure vanilla dayz with all advantages on ( like vehicle/zombie tags) and no UNIT487 scripts, right? Are we going to get the good old UNIT-server with all the scripts back or is that it? If so, Im sad and will cry like a baby, because it was the best gaming experience that any videogame has ever given to me! Thanks for Hayward and all the other gyus who made that possible, you know your shit! Anyways, have a good summer!! Best regards, -P-
  17. PredatorSchnizel

    Please fix the knockout, broken limb possiblities

    Hello, he is the local Chernarus boxing champion! I´ve had him taking me down now and then, you just have to deal with it. -P-
  18. Hello there, here are couple of things that you might try in order to get the custom face enabled: 1. Look for your for arma2.cfg file in the cfgdayz folder and then do as stated above Code: MaxCustomFileSize=0; Change it to whatever size you thinks necessary, but i think that the file size should be below 100kb to avoid the server slowing down if more people chooses to wear custom faces. 2. Email dayz.st support, they can do it for you. Here is the page where I found these hints: http://opendayz.net/...tom-faces.7688/ Best Regards, -P-
  19. ok, i will get to it, but not today. Tonight its beer and Dayz ! -C-
  20. It was merely a hidden suggestion, that if you could allow us to use them..... ;) -P-
  21. Hello, I tried to log on with my custom face, but it says that the file was too big. ( 12345b>0b ) So i assume that custom faces aren´t allowed? -P-
  22. Is it ok to use the TS chat, because im unable to speak in late hours? ( because the rest of my family is asleep...) -P- edit: family status
  23. Hello, sidechat disabled? -P-
  24. Hello Moro, nice way to put out your problem, therefore beans my friend! Sadly I have no solution to this yet, but will look into it... Does this do anyhing? -P- edit: quote
  25. Try to catch it on video and put on youtube. My evenings are quite busy atm so I might be unable to play today... :( I was plannig to record the explosion from our heli in order to get some great aerial footage! But you go ahead, make DESTRUCTION, MAYHEM,...... -P-