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Posts posted by PvtBeaner

  1. I completely understand OPs issues, but its Alpha and core components are still being developed so gameplay will be changing over the years, hell even the stand alone is starting in an Alpha for so ya. Here is my 2cents experience on what I have seen this game come from to what it is now.


    When this mod first came out it was an experience myself and my group had never experienced before. We have played ARMA2 for awhile now so, we knew this map pretty well, but we still felt lost and unsure on what to do, how and where we go and what to do. ALMOST EVERYONES first week of playing should be like this without the consequence of getting capped near a town like Elektro or Cherno. I know for atleast 4 weeks I never died nor did I just shoot at anyone. Everyone early on was like "wtf is this, yo dude can you help me. Man these zombies are scary as fuck (as u go prone next to them)" . The immersion was so insane and it made you addicted.

    Finally we find an airfield, still not getting into firefight at this point, and we find a DMR. WOW A SNIPER! *FAP FAP FAP*. Our first thought wasn't to kill each other or anything, but felt safer that we had a sniper now in our group. THe game is still early alpha and not a single "BIG" youtuber had even heard of it or had interest in it nor did popular websites like 4chan, reddit, etc. Finally after about a month more people started to hear about this mod and it got server populated pretty fast. We encountered a bandit for the first time. We killed him and was like wow that was close. But that moment stuck with us forever. He didn't tell us to stop moving he just saw my group of 5 and started shooting. From there on we said to ourselves, "trust no1". So we ended up going up and down the coast line and ran into 3 dudes. Both groups halting and freaking out BUT STILL NOT SHOOTING. After about 15min of talking back and forth we recruited them into our group. NOW we are running 12 -14 guys deep nightly on a server.

    Now early on food and water was so easy to get, you never had to worry. Now I feel like food and water are more scarce and harder to get ahold of, so we as a team designate peopel roles for ammo, weapons, food, water, medical supplies etc. THis type of immersion has never happened in a game before. Also during this time there was no vehicles so we just went to airfield looking for endgame gear and getting into small skirmishes, but the experience was different everytime

    NOW lets jump to now. Now there are over 1million UID and 1k's of servers. So a new player spawns on shore gets killed 5min into going into elektro and cherno without warning, without help, without mercy. No1 helps eachother. No1 is patient to group up. Everything is SHoot then ask questions. No1 groups up unless your friends. Endgame gear has been duped / hacked in so much that there is a huge influx of endgame gear circulating the mod. Was it expected? Yes, definately since Arma2 is a scripted based game. We who played early on knew this would happen but not as bad as it is now. I mean just last night, I spawn on coast, go into cherno, kill a guy with my axe and get all gear and a hacked as50 thermal (cool btw but fucking lame). I burry the body so no1 can get this gear again. I drop all the hacked items and end gear in water and wait for it to dissapear. No one chooses to be a hero (majority of the players). Everyone is running around using as50, m107, NVGs, etc is all starter towns killing new players and its Bullshit. So now sicne my group is tired of this faggotry, we decided that all 12 of us will slowly purge the campers of these towns. We go into servers in our secret spots (NO not ontop of cherno factories, thats too obvious and everyone spawns there hahah) and we kill these people and hide their bodies without looting them.

    I personally think until a good dupe fix is out and DB is wiped clean to start all gear and players clean this type of gameplay will continue. Hacking cant and wont be stopped since only battle eye can do that. Its in alpha stage, yes I get that which is why i and many others suggest a HIVE wipe and start everyone over clean again. If there is more risk in losing weapons and gear becasue duping is fixed the best of its ability people might find out how to play this game. Will gear get duped and circulated again? Yes of course, but it will be slower since everyone will be starting fresh with NOTHING and nothing saved etc.

    TL version : Game/mod was awesome and best immersive gameplay before it got so popular. Now just a fag fest of noobs thinking its funny to shoot then ask questions. Solution: Fix duping to best ability and wipe DB/HIVE and have everyone start completely over 1) better data gathering 2)People learn and see how game is supposed to be played.

    All of this is very true. I only wish people could see that they are taking away from the experience instead of constantly trying to justify themselves.

  2. cry more, you carebear fuck :)

    don't bitch at someone about typing (when my post was fine) and then write dross like that.

    If you see nothing wrong with the way you write than you should spend more time at school and less time being an immature twat.

    [user warned. -Max]

  3. A unique point of view. Wait, no it's not. This board has it's angst filled teenagers attempting to demolish what they don't understand, sure. But so does your local high school. What you note as "possible endgame solutions" may not be as appealing as shooting some helpless fool in the face. I however find armed robbery and large scale firefights to be fantastic... I play with others who hate the idea of risking life for little gain. Oh well. We're on the internet hidden behind computers in the safety of our homes, making it easier to treat everyone like shit. Your options are to fall in with the crowd or to lead by example. I don't see your dilemma? If you feel this is one of the worst forum communities you've ever been a part of, you haven't been a part of many then. Off of the top of my head I can name 3 that I think are worse: Diablo 3's board( blizzard boards in general really), the League of Legends forum, and any of the FPS sub-forums on steam (id est Counter Strike). What you cite as downfalls are all far more prevalent in those forums. At least on here you run the chance of engaging in conversation with a developer or armed forces member intrigued by weapon mechanics. Beats the hell out of E-thuggin it with those basement dwelling neck-beards over at the Diablo forums. Granted I come across many off color threads on here typically started by an immensely ignorant American giving us all bad names in public, but that happens everywhere. The active members on here are not exactly "close-minded" and of little worth dude. Remember with that generalized statement you are pooling the forum team, dev team, and Rocket himself into said "close-minded idiotic" category. This mod has not "been designed" it is in the midst of being designed. There are kinks to work out in all respects, even in the community. Think of it as they release "box". 1 million people want to play "shape" and of that lot 500k want to play box. As box changes to square you are left with the 500k that get the gist and the other 500 move on. It will happen here, trust me. A rough example at best but it's not hard to follow. You seem to be part of the latter. The "moving on" group. Have fun and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    I agree with most of what you say and I am fully aware my point of view is not unique. As far as forums go, I am not part of many gaming forums but a lot of general forums about various things. Saying this forum is not bad compared to other forums concerning gaming just makes me more disappointed in the gaming community as a whole. How low should I set the bar?

  4. love how he praises the fact it is a sandbox, and then bitches because people play it how they like. there is nothing wrong with killing on sight, backstabbing people etc. stop crying. carebear players much.

    I don't know who you are or why you can't type properly but hear me out. I understand this is a sandbox and it is free roam etc. But many player are abusing this idea and using it as an excuse. I understand, killing on sight if you are caught off guard, I condone backstabbing and any other interesting tactics. But grabbing a high-powered rifle and seeing how many players you can take out before you die isn't really a valid play style. You are not really playing the game or exploring any of the mechanics you are just irritating those player around you.

    If you are truely at a loss for anything else to do than congratulations, you have done all you can in the mod at this present time. Please check back in later when there is new content, because as of now your are not letting new players experience the game in the same way you enjoyed it when you started. This applies 100x over for hackers.

  5. no.. al I see is another bean eater, crying because they got shot by a sniper in Elektro - what difference is this thread going to make that the other half a million thread's posted by bean eaters complaining about dieing in a PvP Chernarus hot spot that are allready posted in the forums? eh? none.. thats what..

    I didn't just get shot in Elektro and come here. I have played that game for many many hours, I have had camps, vehicles, the best gear in the game, and done nearly everything possible. Helped people, killed people and died in every way imaginable. Again, my post isn't targeting the one sniper who killed me one time, it is directed at the playerbase as a whole.

  6. as if anyone cares your quitting or why

    This is hilarious, being in development it is very important to note what kind of player leaves and why. Stating what you said above only shows you have no interest in creating a fun game or interest in the game at all. Judging by the replies at least one person cares, and clearly the person who is too lazy to write a complete sentence is not my target audience.

  7. Anyone who think this forum is the worst they have seen can't possibly have participated in very many forums. There are far more legitimate and nearly-legitimate conversations going on here than any online game I've played in the last 15 years. Plenty of flaming, and plenty of ideas being shot down (usually the awful ones), but also a fair amount of decent discussion.

    Go try to have one of those on the WoW forums. See what happens. I *dare* you.

    And I think coffee is better than tea. But, if I walked into a tea-house and started shouting that at people, I would fully expect to get "flamed" and "shot down."

    DayZ is a PvP game. It's meant to be "heavy" with it.

    If that upsets you, perhaps your time would be better spent finding a game more suited to your desires than sitting on the DayZ forums?

    The reason you're being flamed isn't because the "community is awful" it's because your ideas are anathema to the spirit of the title.

    Allow me to rephrase. I don't so much mean the PvP is too heavy, but more so, the way it is carried out is unintelligent. The PvP such as it is now isn't adding very much to the experience. I shoot you, you shoot me, if you ever so much as see another player in the game, armed or not, immediately destroy them. Of course the game needs bandits and hero's, such is real life, but the way it is happening right now isn't functional or sustainable.

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  8. we'll you'd be wrong.. i've played the game enough to know, it's a cruel and punishing world in Chernarus, you're going to die - i've died more times than I care to remember to sniper bullets , but i've learned to take my death - even those by hackers & the millions of different glitches... do you see me crying? all the OP can do is learn the Dayz mantra "death is inevitable.. don't become attached to your gear."

    Although you think you are doing the right thing, I believe you are only perpetuating the cycle. Instead of advocating change you are pretty well saying "It sucks, but i push through it." Which is fair enough, but by accepting it how it is now is insuring it will stay that way forever.

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  9. 1. Fair enough. However that's the point of a thread. You read some opinions, you state your own, then you hover around the thread for more opinions if you wish.

    2. I may sound harsh here, but multiple threads on the same thing just annoys everyone and buries the threads that others may be interested in reading. I also dont see how multiple threads that hit 2 pages are more effectived to get noticed than 1 huge thread with 40 pages

    Noted. I will admit part of why I posted this was for the opportunity to defend my points, which I would get more of here than in a circle-jerky massive thread.

  10. The title says it all. ANOTHER "I quit because" thread. You knew there were many other topics like this, yet you felt complied to make another one. ​ Because those threads weren't about you were they? No, you're SPECIAL and MORE IMPORTANT then they are!

    News flash: You're not. You're just another fucking nobody on the internet just like all the other wastes of carbon that make these shit posts.I won't give a shit if you got run over by a bus today, so why would I care if you've stopped playing a computer game?

    Ah, Poisoned AI, I was hoping you would attend. I have read many of your replies in a multitude of post and this has to be one of your best. Your overly aggressive attitude only emphasized my post, you are case in point. Your posts are violent to the point where I can actually feel that you have issues in real life that you are unable to deal with them, You come here talking shit, because in real life, you don't have the balls.

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  11. I got shot by a sniper in Elektro and came to the forum to cry - thread #42938749238743894792398479

    Did you think up that catch phrase on your own? Thank you for adding to the discussion. Calibre, if you do not have the mental capacity to add to the thread and can only repeat what you have read elsewhere, kindly fuck off. :)

  12. If the community disagrees with something, then they disagree. You can't exactly say 'your an idiot because you disagreed', can you? It's their opinion, and you'll forgive us if we're a little harsh because the op feels the need to create his own little thread about it rather than making a reply to the multitudes of other threads about the same thing.

    I made my own thread for 2 reasons: I want to open up with my own opinions rather than tag onto someone else's. I feel having multiple threads about the same issue is more effective than one thread with multiple issues. If, as Rocket says, this forum is looked over, having multiple threads will be more visible.

  13. I understand your frustration yet I feel like such things can be dealt with in a reasonable manner.

    Change your tactics, find another way in, go to a different less populated server, scope out snipers before you go in and kill them, and most importantly think of some things to counter such acts on your own because no matter what you do people like this will be there and they will piss you off, its gonna happen you just have to learn to cope and combat it.

    I understand what you're saying, I only wish I had to avoid the minority not the majority.

  14. You will be trolled because you simply dont understand that this game is under development ... so dont compare this game with your IDEAL IMAGINATION of a zombie apocalypse game ... it will never meet your expectations

    No my friend, I completely understand that the game is under development. Perhaps i should have prefaced my argument with that. Simply because you use the word "alpha" does not excuse the communities attitude and behavior. The game can progress in whatever way it wants and I will check in on it. However the point of my post was to address the playerbase, the fact that you replied in the way you did only shows that it has gone completely over your head. Please at least support your points.

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  15. I started playing this game because I loved the idea of it. A zombie survival game in an open sandbox environment, it all seemed very nice. The game itself is a great idea, and implements most of what it is trying to do very well.

    Unfortunately, the community is awful. I have played many games and been part of many more online boards, yet I find this one to be the most immature and disrespectful. Nearly every post is flamed and every opinion is shot down. No one feels welcome here and this carries over into the game. The players have taken what could be a fun game and turned it into complete shit. I have watched nearly all of Rocket's interviews and from what I can gather he invests heavily in what the community wants. However, within the community, anyone who disagrees with a part of the game is immediately shot down.

    For example, I think this game is far to PvP heavy. I just love all of those snipers camping outside of Elektro calling themselves bandits while shooting anything that moves. This does not add to the game in any way. Those players never loot the bodies and gain nothing by killing a starting player. If your argument for this is "Once you get to endgame there is nothing else to do," allow me to break it down for you. You could 1: attempt to add something to the game by being a character of sorts; take people hostage, scare people, loot people at gunpoint. 2: If you don't wish to add anything to the gameplay you can always... go outside, or play something else.

    I know this will be shot down by the usual active members of the forum (closed minded individuals with little of value to say) but think of what this mod was designed to be. Now realize what it has actually become. DayZ is a deathmatch with an extra long loading screen.

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  16. I started playing this game because I loved the idea of it. A zombie survival game in an open sandbox environment, it all seemed very nice. The game itself is a great idea, and implements most of what it is trying to do very well.

    Unfortunately, the community is awful. I have played many games and been part of many more online boards, yet I find this one to be the most immature and disrespectful. Nearly every post is flamed and every opinion is shot down. No one feels welcome here and this carries over into the game. The players have taken what could be a fun game and turned it into complete shit. I have watched nearly all of Rocket's interviews and from what I can gather he invests heavily in what the community wants. However, within the community, anyone who disagrees with a part of the game is immediately shot down.

    For example, I think this game is far to PvP heavy. I just love all of those snipers camping outside of Elektro calling themselves bandits while shooting anything that moves. This does not add to the game in any way. Those players never loot the bodies and gain nothing by killing a starting player. If your argument for this is "Once you get to endgame there is nothing else to do," allow me to break it down for you. You could 1: attempt to add something to the game by being a character of sorts; take people hostage, scare people, loot people at gunpoint. 2: If you don't wish to add anything to the gameplay you can always... go outside, or play something else.

    I know this will be shot down by the usual active members of the forum (closed minded individuals with little of value to say) but think of what this mod was designed to be. Now realize what it has actually become. DayZ is a deathmatch with an extra long loading screen.

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  17. Playing on US 1182 at 3am PST 08/2012

    -KIlled multiple times via insta-death

    -Warped with entire server to random places on map, then shot to death

    -Everytime I would try to return to my truck I would get insta-killed just before I got there

    -Could hear hacker talking through mic after I was killed (screen name was <tronc4t>)

    Not sure what else to say, he made it impossible for me to retrieve any on my gear. I think I will just play something else until these issues are resolved.

    ps. It has happened once before on this server a few days ago (similar events)
