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About PvtBeaner

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  1. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    All of this is very true. I only wish people could see that they are taking away from the experience instead of constantly trying to justify themselves.
  2. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    If you see nothing wrong with the way you write than you should spend more time at school and less time being an immature twat. [user warned. -Max]
  3. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    I agree with most of what you say and I am fully aware my point of view is not unique. As far as forums go, I am not part of many gaming forums but a lot of general forums about various things. Saying this forum is not bad compared to other forums concerning gaming just makes me more disappointed in the gaming community as a whole. How low should I set the bar?
  4. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    I don't know who you are or why you can't type properly but hear me out. I understand this is a sandbox and it is free roam etc. But many player are abusing this idea and using it as an excuse. I understand, killing on sight if you are caught off guard, I condone backstabbing and any other interesting tactics. But grabbing a high-powered rifle and seeing how many players you can take out before you die isn't really a valid play style. You are not really playing the game or exploring any of the mechanics you are just irritating those player around you. If you are truely at a loss for anything else to do than congratulations, you have done all you can in the mod at this present time. Please check back in later when there is new content, because as of now your are not letting new players experience the game in the same way you enjoyed it when you started. This applies 100x over for hackers.
  5. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    I didn't just get shot in Elektro and come here. I have played that game for many many hours, I have had camps, vehicles, the best gear in the game, and done nearly everything possible. Helped people, killed people and died in every way imaginable. Again, my post isn't targeting the one sniper who killed me one time, it is directed at the playerbase as a whole.
  6. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    This is hilarious, being in development it is very important to note what kind of player leaves and why. Stating what you said above only shows you have no interest in creating a fun game or interest in the game at all. Judging by the replies at least one person cares, and clearly the person who is too lazy to write a complete sentence is not my target audience.
  7. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    Allow me to rephrase. I don't so much mean the PvP is too heavy, but more so, the way it is carried out is unintelligent. The PvP such as it is now isn't adding very much to the experience. I shoot you, you shoot me, if you ever so much as see another player in the game, armed or not, immediately destroy them. Of course the game needs bandits and hero's, such is real life, but the way it is happening right now isn't functional or sustainable.
  8. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    Although you think you are doing the right thing, I believe you are only perpetuating the cycle. Instead of advocating change you are pretty well saying "It sucks, but i push through it." Which is fair enough, but by accepting it how it is now is insuring it will stay that way forever.
  9. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    Noted. I will admit part of why I posted this was for the opportunity to defend my points, which I would get more of here than in a circle-jerky massive thread.
  10. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    Ah, Poisoned AI, I was hoping you would attend. I have read many of your replies in a multitude of post and this has to be one of your best. Your overly aggressive attitude only emphasized my post, you are case in point. Your posts are violent to the point where I can actually feel that you have issues in real life that you are unable to deal with them, You come here talking shit, because in real life, you don't have the balls.
  11. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    Did you think up that catch phrase on your own? Thank you for adding to the discussion. Calibre, if you do not have the mental capacity to add to the thread and can only repeat what you have read elsewhere, kindly fuck off. :)
  12. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    I made my own thread for 2 reasons: I want to open up with my own opinions rather than tag onto someone else's. I feel having multiple threads about the same issue is more effective than one thread with multiple issues. If, as Rocket says, this forum is looked over, having multiple threads will be more visible.
  13. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    I understand what you're saying, I only wish I had to avoid the minority not the majority.
  14. PvtBeaner

    Another "I quit because..."

    No my friend, I completely understand that the game is under development. Perhaps i should have prefaced my argument with that. Simply because you use the word "alpha" does not excuse the communities attitude and behavior. The game can progress in whatever way it wants and I will check in on it. However the point of my post was to address the playerbase, the fact that you replied in the way you did only shows that it has gone completely over your head. Please at least support your points.
  15. I started playing this game because I loved the idea of it. A zombie survival game in an open sandbox environment, it all seemed very nice. The game itself is a great idea, and implements most of what it is trying to do very well. Unfortunately, the community is awful. I have played many games and been part of many more online boards, yet I find this one to be the most immature and disrespectful. Nearly every post is flamed and every opinion is shot down. No one feels welcome here and this carries over into the game. The players have taken what could be a fun game and turned it into complete shit. I have watched nearly all of Rocket's interviews and from what I can gather he invests heavily in what the community wants. However, within the community, anyone who disagrees with a part of the game is immediately shot down. For example, I think this game is far to PvP heavy. I just love all of those snipers camping outside of Elektro calling themselves bandits while shooting anything that moves. This does not add to the game in any way. Those players never loot the bodies and gain nothing by killing a starting player. If your argument for this is "Once you get to endgame there is nothing else to do," allow me to break it down for you. You could 1: attempt to add something to the game by being a character of sorts; take people hostage, scare people, loot people at gunpoint. 2: If you don't wish to add anything to the gameplay you can always... go outside, or play something else. I know this will be shot down by the usual active members of the forum (closed minded individuals with little of value to say) but think of what this mod was designed to be. Now realize what it has actually become. DayZ is a deathmatch with an extra long loading screen.