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About deadkennedy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. deadkennedy

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    1) How old are you? 23 2) What time are you usually on? (time zone) eastern america, evening time. 3) What is your preferred roll to play on the team? such as a sniper/CQC/looter/spotter I'd love support/looter/medic! 4) What is the preferred wep you like to use? Assault rifles, anything cheap and replaceable 5) What is your current wep you are using? I lug around a DMR and backup MP5 silenced 6) Why should we choose you? while I may be quiet, I take orders well and would love to try a support roll out with a well coordinated team! ------------------------------------------------ add me on steam: deadkennedy3!
  2. deadkennedy

    Looking for a group

    steam: deadkennedy3! toss me an add, I'm looking for more players to group with.
  3. deadkennedy

    Exlie Clan

    Application: Age: 23 Timezone: GMT -7 (western coast) How long you have had DayZ: about a week and a half! DayZ Experience: I know the land well enough to travel without a compass/map, all the major loot spots and the popular PVP areas Clans you have been in before: Have been playing solo to get the hang of things, don't want to be a burden so I haven't joined one until I'm ready. Preferred Weapons/Roles: I've used rifles and killed with assault rifles, I think I would love to do something more beneficial, like medic/support. I wouldn't mind just lugging around a single assault rifle and stocking up on blood bags/ammo/morphine. Steam Name(S): My steam name is deadkennedy3 Other than that, I'm looking forward to hearing back from you guys, I've made a few applications around so hopefully I get noticed. I do have a microphone, and while it's not the best quality, it doesn't have a lot of static and you can understand me fine :3. I do have teamspeak as well! I'm also not a 13 year old boy, my mic just doesn't do my lady voice justice :o
  4. deadkennedy

    Looking for a squad/group

    Hey, add me on steam! Deadkennedy3, I play in the evenings!
  5. deadkennedy

    Newbie looking for a friend on DayX

    Hey, add me on steam! I'd love to join up. deadkennedy is my steam