Application: Age: 23 Timezone: GMT -7 (western coast) How long you have had DayZ: about a week and a half! DayZ Experience: I know the land well enough to travel without a compass/map, all the major loot spots and the popular PVP areas Clans you have been in before: Have been playing solo to get the hang of things, don't want to be a burden so I haven't joined one until I'm ready. Preferred Weapons/Roles: I've used rifles and killed with assault rifles, I think I would love to do something more beneficial, like medic/support. I wouldn't mind just lugging around a single assault rifle and stocking up on blood bags/ammo/morphine. Steam Name(S): My steam name is deadkennedy3 Other than that, I'm looking forward to hearing back from you guys, I've made a few applications around so hopefully I get noticed. I do have a microphone, and while it's not the best quality, it doesn't have a lot of static and you can understand me fine :3. I do have teamspeak as well! I'm also not a 13 year old boy, my mic just doesn't do my lady voice justice :o