My friend had come over to my house to play DayZ. He had recently downloaded a torrent of ArmA CO and we were figuring out a way to make it work with DayZ. I got the brilliant idea for him to delete all his torrented ArmA 2 files and sign into my Steam account to download the game. I had realized I didn't need steam to run DayZ. So a few hours go by and he downloads the full game and we get DayZ to work like normal. We log in and we see he is logged into the same exact spot my character on a different computer logged out of and he also has all the same weapons I have. We than proceed to test if we move his character than log into mine if I will be in the spot his character moved to. Yes. I logged in and I was in the same spot where my friends character had moved and logged out of. He than makes a new character and spawns on the coast with all my guns and ammo again. We try going onto the same server but he ends up getting kicked. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening between our two characters? Its a totally clean ArmA 2 CO version and he downloaded DayZ off of this website so its not anything I sent him. The only thing I could think of is if we are using the same wifi it links our characters up. Thanks. I appreciate all the help.