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Everything posted by gummy52

  1. No shit, pig's don't fly either. Are you having a conversation with yourself? Seriously, do you have any idea what you are talking about? First you responded by stating Bohemia doesn't use ASM, then you responded again by stating I think they use ASM, now you're flailing around trying to explain what a logical error is. You've essentially carried on a conversation with yourself. No shit a debugger doesn't automatically fix logical errors, that's the job of the programmer using it. Breakpoints, anyone? Hence why I stated, "How is that not fixable in 30 minutes by any programmer with a debugger?". I say again, it's a complete failure that ALL Bohemia games have synchronization bugs after years of development.
  2. You aren't obligated to make sense, either.
  3. No shit, pigs don't fly either. That doesn't answer my question. Why did you claim that I think Bohemia would be "trawling through ASM"? That's the third time I've asked why you brought up ASM and the third time you've avoided the question.
  4. KoS mentality has been a defining cornerstone of the game since the beginning. New players tried to work with other new players while veterans played for bigger game. There are few new players to DayZ, so what do you expect to happen?
  5. gummy52

    Thank you Dean Hall!

    The sooner posters like these actually play DayZ SA the better. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  6. I've written nothing to suggest that I think that, nothing even close. What is this, some kind of discrete trolling? Please elaborate why you claim I think that.
  7. This forum has some incredible double standards.
  8. Why do you feel the need to mention that ASM isn't being used and that C/C++ needs to be compiled? Is it because I mentioned "debugger"? Seriously, why did you even make that statement? To say that a program written in C++ can't be used in a debugger? What kind of IDE is Bohemia using, then, lol? Also, all of the things you mentioned are not even close to computationally intensive. You could run through all of that arithmetic tens of thousands of times per second. I mean, damn, you could be lazy and loop through ten thousand zombie xyz's with a 3d dist formula and STILL not come close to touching the 5 ms window "20 server fps" aims at. I mean, they ARE using C/C++, right? Right?
  9. How are there still synchronization issues in Bohemia games? How is that not a complete failure? How is that not fixable in 30 minutes by any programmer with a debugger?
  10. I thought that's why it was being rewritten. If it's been rewritten, why does the new system think 10-15k objects is a lot? I mean, MMORPG's have bigger worlds and way more creatures/objects that do more complicated things than zombies. I've played on 75 player Tavi (DayZ Origins) servers that sent 10k+ objects to my client on log in. So have you REALLY improved efficiency since ArmA 2?
  11. gummy52

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    This isn't the first time you've substituted the word "positive" with the phrase "informed and constructive". :thumbsup:
  12. gummy52

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Not if it's being sold. It's a modern alpha kind of in the same way a modern liberal or conservative is defined (ass backwards).
  13. gummy52

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Huge? No, it's not. Not even close, especially for a game where the most complicated thing any object will ever do is move around.
  14. gummy52

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    Your rebuttals are nothing more than "you're wrong because I'm right" and you assert them with "stop or I'll ban you". Your topic is on DayZ's interface yet you dismiss up to date public information because of your unknown inside knowledge. Under those rules you can dismiss any negative discussion under the pretense that my opinion is invalid because I'm not a part of the pre-alpha testing. I ask again, why ask posters' opinion, then?
  15. gummy52

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    The most up to date image available is out of date? I guess you have inside information, but if that's the case, and the interface's presentation has been improved (as you're suggesting), then why are you asking if the interface's presentation should be improved? Why even ask us if we have no frame of reference? It's clear you're merely speculating. That image is not out of date and all you're doing is deflecting. I'll say it again. Forget "slicker presentation", DayZ's is not yet even tolerable.
  16. gummy52

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    It's the one from the most recent video last month. I didn't say it functioned well, I said it looked fine. It does.
  17. gummy52

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    Asking whether or not we would like to see them spend more "time and effort" on the interface is ridiculous. Debating it would be like debating whether or not there should be trees in Chernarus. It looks like crap. Either they fix it or bust.
  18. gummy52

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    Let's be realistic here. You're not just asking if we want a cool interface or a simple one. I like a minimalistic interface. I think ArmA 2's looks perfectly fine. DayZ's interface looks like vomit coughed up from MSPaint. It's absurd that we need to debate this. Fix the bloody interface already.
  19. That means nothing. No one is even script injecting DayZ Mod anymore, everyone is just memory hacking, which can be done to any game.
  20. In theory it should be much, much more efficient. In practice... who knows.
  21. gummy52

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    What do you think the SA is and is going to be?
  22. gummy52

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    For Bohemia it's necessary to make cuts to get anywhere. You have exceedingly high hopes. On what planet could any of that be possible when its necessary for them to skip vehicle development just to meet a 2 year deadline on a project that some would argue was almost finished to begin with. They have no base for vehicles in their server framework going into the "alpha" which means they'll have to start from scratch when they begin working on them. That's not a good thing in this context. Starting from scratch on something important may be a good thing but starting from scratch after 2 years is embarrassing. Bohemia also has a poor record with bugs and patches. They always develop slow and they've never been able to add content onto something without breaking something else in the process. Long story short, Bohemia isn't, doesn't, and never will do it right, nor will you ever see anything in that list of yours in the game.
  23. Not true, but there's no such thing as an unmodifiable game client. Here is the bottom line: the moment you trust your players with the information their client is given your game is compromised. That's a fundamental problem with the conventional way many games are programmed today.