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Everything posted by gummy52

  1. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Definitions are not subjective. You're grasping at straws and basically saying "I'll believe what I want to". The rest of your post is nonsensical at best. You're a walking non sequitur. [citation very much needed] Yeah, nah. The last two years of shady video game selling doesn't out weigh the prior half century.
  2. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I've been quoting the original post of this thread.
  3. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I think what you fail to understand is that companies are obligated to put a positive spin on their decisions. On one hand they express a desire to be truthful and transparent, but on the other hand they openly manipulate the truth. Even if you look past the disingenuous tilting, there's still the matter of this "kickstarter" model. Rewarding consumers for giving you money isn't donating. That's straight up buy and sell. Micro-transactions, let alone during the "Alpha", unquestionably contradict their public intentions prior to the The War Z debacle that demonstrated how gullible consumers can be. The moral development cycle for them would be an open beta followed up by a release once the product is ready, free of anything similar to micro-transactions. Many genuine companies have walked down that path successfully. Why does Bohemia Interactive need additional funds to circumvent traditional development when they're consistently a top seller on Steam thanks to the DayZ Mod?
  4. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Bohemia Interactive is misrepresenting what an Alpha is. What an Alpha is is common knowledge. Therefore "evidence" is not applicable. Their model completely contradicts what an Alpha is. You can't make up your own definitions on the fly. My "single sentence answers" are all that is required when someone's entire "argument" is based on a statement that is false. For example, an earlier post claimed that an Alpha is defined as an unfinished product. That isn't true. Perhaps I seem like a troll because my posts are not walls of texts that substitute rational with emotion. Regardless, by definition Bohemia Interactive is misrepresenting the truth and collecting revenue while doing so. Arguing why the circumstances make that moral or immoral is certainly subjective and if you want to seriously defend companies that mime this behavior then you should look to yourself for who is uninformed and impatient.
  5. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    ...No, it doesn't. Expecting consumers to use their brain just isn't relevant. Profiting off of alpha testers.
  6. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    My "point" is that deceit is immoral. Wrongfully labeling an unfinished product an "Alpha" for profit is immoral. By labeling a commercial product "Alpha" they are by definition deceiving you. That much is not subjective. Deceiving has become a hallmark of this team and it started with Dean Hall misrepresenting himself as a mere modder in the ArmA community. I suppose whether or not deceit is immoral "can" be up to opinion.
  7. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Listen, dumbass. You've demonstrated that fan boys WANT to buy an unfinished product. You haven't refuted my point. In fact, no one has; there's nothing but a page of ad hominem. But that's wrong. He was previously employed by Bohemia Interactive.
  8. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Do you even understand the definition of what an Alpha is in regards to software? On what planet do you think it's moral for a supposed Alpha to be profited off of? If your software is public and generating revenue then it is released and if it's buggy and unfinished then its a shitty release, not an Alpha. Dean Hall was employed by Bohemia long before DayZ was created. His interests are in maximizing profits. Wake the **** up.
  9. gummy52

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Those aren't donations, those are micro-transactions. So micro-transactions during an Alpha. Pay for Alpha ARMA3, pay for Alpha DayZ. You greedy jerks are just barely less cancerous than WarZ.
  10. gummy52

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    This looks completely amateur.
  11. Rocket seems like an open guy willing to answer questions, but I don't know where to even ask. So, I figured that I'd just make a thread. I don't expect an answer, but I'd like to throw my question out there for the possibility that someone at Bohemia Interactive might read it. Hacking is an enormous concern for me. Not ArmA 2 Script injecting. I've heard no information about the development team's plans to prevent unauthorized memory access. I'm particularly worried because the team seems content with a server side implementation coupled with Valve's VAC... but neither will prevent or detect custom external programs that read the game's memory. If hackers are still able to detect everything the client program has in memory, then they'll be able to detect all players/vehicles/objects within render distance in real time. Does the development team recognize this as a serious and potentially crippling issue?
  12. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    I really hope you aren't employed. I think I'm done posting here.
  13. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Why do anything, right? What the fuck is your point?
  14. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    That depends if the program is using a known API to read memory, which is why I mentioned HackShield. Dwarden, who ever you are, I honestly can not understand your Enlgish. No one will claim that GameGuard or HackShield magically "prevents memory reads", but unless I'm completely mistaken, it prevents ReadProcessMemory from being called under normal circumstances.
  15. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    You said it couldn't, though. Now you admit that it can, just that it doesn't do it very well. Which is it? Rather than engage in "no, you're wrong!", I'll refute your point. You claim that anti-cheats are designed only to catch cheats available to the mass. One of the things Warden does is relay information about a piece of memory. The server will log that response from the client, or lack there of. Please explain to me how that is "designed to detect cheats available to the mass", because to me that sounds like a generic way to catch when someone changes their XYZ, movement rate, etc.
  16. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    This is not a fact. It CAN detect changes to memory. Do you even understand why VAC is shit?
  17. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Hackshield is one example. Even VAC can do that. First of all, I've only been playing DayZ for months. Second of all, you're the one who turned this into a pissing contest. You've made it clear that you don't understand the topic you're trying to discuss and all you've done is uselessly make personal attacks against me. What exactly are you trying to achieve? I don't believe I've said anything like that. What I have said, and the point I've been trying to make, is that there are people out there who don't simply download a hack off of a website. Banning public hacks is a bare minimum, not a testament to the strength of Battle Eye.
  18. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    These people who are rampantly defending Battle Eye, like a bunch of white knights, are absolutely hysterical. Nothing is wrong guys, everything is fine. Yeah, I'm a dirty no good lying stinking cheater. That's why I made a thread that promotes awareness, and that's why you're trying to obfuscate it. Because I'm a bad guy and you're a good guy. It's like you're covering your ears and screaming "I'm not listening!". Okay, well then you can recognize this portion of his post. He just stated everything I've been trying to voice. Now would someone please give me one example where Battle Eye has caught and banned programs like this. http://i.imgur.com/lStol.png Also, can we please stop pretending like the only hackers are those who download them off a website. Are you people seriously naive enough to believe that there are no educated people who like video games? I wanted to know if Bohemia Interactive was going to do anything about programs that read the game's memory externally. If Dwarden is representative of BI, then that answer is clearly no, and they have lost my purchase. TSAndrey is likely thinking to himself "good riddance, we don't need cheaters like you". The irony is that I have lost interest in the game chiefly because I am not a cheater, I am a programmer, and I know how illegitimate the game play will be. I honestly wish I was still as ignorant as you are, so that I could enjoy this game; but I am not, and I could not.
  19. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    [citation needed] Battle Eye knows when ArmA's memory is read? Please, elaborate. lol
  20. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    It's like going around in circles with you, Zachstar.
  21. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    It's not true, and many of the same people have been hacking for months without needing additional keys, myself included.
  22. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Honestly, his answer did not even come close to answering the question. He's simply repeating what's already been said. Thanks for posting the truth.Nothing in his post was the truth.
  23. gummy52

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    KizUrazgubi's post from several days ago is spot on. The next part is what I, too, fear.
  24. It is absolutely impossible to find a server without hackers. You may find a server that is not often bombed by kill commands, but obvious kill command hackers are not as poisonous to a game as the ones that aren't obvious. The hacks that people use to cheat while pretending to be playing fairly completely turn the game on its head. Whitelist servers are really no better than any other because that is the type of place a cheater wants to play. Location hacks, recoil hacks, foliage hacks, you name it. I'm not saying you should avoid these servers any more than others, but you should absolutely expect never to play this game fairly, and you should especially avoid servers hosted by a clan.