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About sanktas

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. sanktas

    Lingor Island: Alien Eggs?

    diz is my egg, i lay dem there for u to die on haha lol i only kid.
  2. sanktas

    A Guide For Noobs

    Not sure why Pasta wouldn't be useful :o
  3. sanktas

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    This is normal. 2500 humanity is DEFAULT. It's considered Neutral. If you start killing people and your humanity goes down you'll become a bandit, if you start helping people like bandaging them and giving blood packs and so on then your humanity will raise and you'll become a hero. I don't know at what humanity you become a hero since i've never experienced it sadly :(
  4. sanktas

    What happened to night time?

    Dont raise your gamma and you'll need to use your nv googles.
  5. sanktas

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    You wont lose your ghillie as far as i know, i had one and didnt lose it. It seems bandit skin is only visible on civilian clothing, maybe on the camo clothing aswell since it doesn't cover your head.
  6. sanktas

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    No, if you create a new profile the only thing that changes in game is your name. edit* Just died, darn sniper from nowhere :( I spawned in with a bandit bandana on me. It's like the old bandit skin but i ONLY have the head. The body of the bandit skin is gone, it's only the towel-wrapped head that's showing.
  7. sanktas

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    I don't have a bandit skin, but maybe i get one whenever i kill someone else? So that my humanity gets "logged" or something?
  8. sanktas

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    This is incorrect. I just killed 10 zombies and carefully watched my debug monitor but i did not get + humanity from killing zombies. HOWEVER, i remember way back when you had humanity, you gained +humanity over time by doing nothing, it was not much but over time you gained it slowly. I'm thinking whoever made that post you are referring to just killed zombies at the same time he gained some "passive + humanity" and drew the conclusion that zombies gave it to him.
  9. sanktas

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    Yeah, only no. I got killed, went to my tent, fully geared. When you play as much as i do you got a few tents scattered across servers scattered across chernarus, all with decent gear. Mostly close to the coast if i were to die.
  10. So yeah, brought back humanity, i mean it's always been there but now it's in your debug monitor so you can see how bad you are. And since Rocket added "heroes" and "bandits" again i'd like to play a good guy. However that's impossible with my current humanity. I'd love for a reset at humanity :(. I guess i'll stick to killing everything and anything. http://i.imgur.com/f23ed.jpg
  11. sanktas

    Beta Patch - 95819

    [94886] Fixed: Possible gear item duplication Yeea
  12. sanktas

    Im done, hackers win...

    stop playing on us servers
  13. sanktas

    Giant Fire

    They come when someone crashes a helicopter. The whole place turns on fire and you can see a fire covering your screen from far away.
  14. sanktas

    300+ Hours of DayZ

    I'm up to 400 hours of gametime myself. And here's how i solve my issues. Hacking - Don't play on US or Sweden servers, cause they are filled with hackers, during my time i've seen maybe 5 hackers in total, and whenever i smell a hacker i logout and play on another server. I play mostly on LU servers. Dissconnecting. Aim for the head and keep your aim true. If you start spraying all over the place you'll scare him and he'll log. If you take it easy, take your time and place a few good shots, you'll kill him before he can dissconnect. And even if you kill him and he manages to DC and deny you his loot, you should still be happy cause you reseted an abusing players progress and he'll have to start all over again :)
  15. Yup, just tried it on my home server. Wouldn't alow it =( Too bad, oh well. I'm back to being black. There's some cool skins there tho, i made myself all green and then grey..ish.