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Everything posted by Chrismahony

  1. Hello, about 2 months ago my CD key got stolen for Arma 2 and OA. I could never get onto any servers, because of errors saying "CD-key Invalid" along with "CD-Key in use" Recently I re-installed the games, went to join a DayZ server but I get an error, "You were kicked off the game. (Battleye Admin Ban: (W4d9b2182 0x0f--) Where I enter -- is where there is some random text. But anyways, is this a battleye ban or am I just banned off most servers? I can enter some servers, but only the minority of them. Any help would be great, I can just buy the game on a new steam account but thats my last resort really. Thanks, -Chris :)
  2. Chrismahony

    Looking For A Small Group (2-3 others) To Play With

    You still looking for people to play with? my voice is light to because im 14...add me if you want Steam: Chrismahony123 Skype: Chris.Mahony
  3. Now dont get me wrong, I can deal with the bandit skin only having a mask, but, not being able to see your backpack is just plain annoying, cmon rocket this needs to be changed.
  4. Hey, so I downloaded mods for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, and when my PC starts up black boxes appear on my screen...like there is some sort of virus or spyware on my computer. I scanned my computer with 3 different anti-viruses that I use, and when I downloaded it there was nothing like a threat detected inside of it. But I loaded up the file (It was an .exe file) And immediatly the black boxes came onto my screen, and now they appear everytime I load up my PC. So, I turned off my computer and loaded up my game the next day. When I went to join a server, it said CD-KEY IN USE, which obviously means somehow the file or the person who made the file stole my CD key, any help or if you could get my game back would be greatly appreciated, but if I do get it back it will probably get taken again. Also, I was searching through my Appdata folder to check for any files, I found a MANIFEST file named "arma2oakeygrabber.exe.manifest" along with "Microsoft.VC90.CRT.MANIFEST"... I deleted them off my computer. Would there be any way that I could get my game(s) back? If so, would be greatly appreciated, I decided to post it here because I cant be bothered waiting 3 days for bohemia to respond, I also contacted steam support about this and I gave them my keys and my details etc for proof of purchase. I cant play DayZ either. Please help :)
  5. Chrismahony


    I got my cd key back - I found a file in my appdata/local/temp folder named arma2oakeygrabber.exeand deleted it, all is good now. The guy that got my cd key had a DMR and m4a3 cco. Now its mine :D Thanks everyone for the help! :D
  6. Chrismahony


    Hey fordy, what does the file do? If its a keygrabber I swear to god im gonna flip shit. Does it remove them from my pc?
  7. Chrismahony

    DayZ Stories

    I killed a zombie with a hatchet today. I swung my axe with desire as it met his miserable face. The End
  8. Chrismahony

    CD-Key in use!?!?!?!

    What is this? I didnt hack the game in any way, i used scripts before on my friends server but dont think this will be a problem, but now when I start up my computer black boxes appear on the screen, and I think i've been hacked in some way. I'm really scared, not too bothered about DayZ, but does this person know my account details and my credit card stuff? I deleted my card off my steam account. Anyone have any suggestions? Ran virus scans, nothing detected. I'm getting a new pc soon, and i'm gonna start a new steam account etc. Any help? :'(
  9. Chrismahony

    CD-Key in use!?!?!?!

    I dont see whats wrong with using scripts on a private server? I cant use it against any other players, and if I did I would just get banned by battle-eye.
  10. Hey, whenever I try to re-install Battle-eye or install newer updates ect. it says !!! MISSING STRING. I don't know why this is happening, I did have scripts before but I only used them on my friends hived server, and I never used them on Battle-eye servers. But all of my scripts and the cheat engine thing has been deleted off my computer with the past 2weeks. I can download the DLL's and install them into my program files through the Battle-eye website, but I don't think it does the same as installing it through steam. I tried the "Verify integrity of game cache" method, It restored about 6 files, but it still wont let me re-install Battle-eye. This is annoying me because when I try to join a server almost every time it give me a script restriction, even though there is no scripts on my compuer, AT ALL. If you know any way to solve this please help. thanks
  11. well, if you go to the steam-apps folder, then go to this directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion), then look inside the expansion folder and if there is a battle-eye folder in there it has been installed, I still get missing string but just do that and if the folder is there you already have it installed! :)
  12. @Deftlyhanded, you could've just installed it manually through the battle-eye website by downloading the DLL and client. That solved the problem for me, atleast.
  13. Thanks everyone for the help, I finally got it working. Gogster, my beans are now yours :D
  14. I'm making progress, it gets to the loading of the installation, it says it installing, then it says the !!! MISSING STRING problem again, but then it makes the battle-eye folder with everything inside it (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye). Does this mean battle-eye is now installed? It still says "Register Your Game" for some reason, doubt this will be a problem, if this worked, Gogster, you sir, can take all my beans ^_^
  15. @Bean king, I deleted battle-eye in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion and I still get the !!! MISSING STRING problem, but now it says on steam "Register Your Game" when I right click on Arma2OA :(
  16. Chrismahony

    cop cars ???

    Its hacked, it will dissapear when the server restarts, though, so there's nothing to worry about ^_^