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Posts posted by JumpMaster

  1. nope. to have a private server you'd need to pay an extra $25/m on top of the normal server cost too. 


    not a good idea to mix children and videogames with cannibalism and 10,000 players who will troll and play herbert the pervert soundboards in his general direction



    better to find him a good vanilla shooter with low attention-span and quick action. introduce him to the game with 225km2 maps later on. i suggest heroes and generals because it's very light hearted and it's also free, as well as not having any chat features for talking to your opposition (he could not be trolled by nasty enemies)




    that's just my two cents. when i was younger my dad bought me BF1942 and MOHAA, and those were really fun. honestly you should make sure he plays MOHAA even though it's an old game. it was a really great title for it's time. i don't think i would have had the attention-span for ARMA-2 


    i'm assuming your son is 6-15/ under 18. i really would not recommend this title for somebody that age. 

    This is why I want a more secluded PvE/PvZ for the two of us


  2. This may be a bit unusual, but I will ask any way.


    I love this game and cannot say enough good things about it. I want to get my son involved but primarily in a PvE or PvZ (player versus zombie)but the only way I have seen that this can be accomplished is by renting a server, which is not so bad. I simply don't want to rent a 30-50 slot server.


    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  3. , take that on board Mr Gobby that way you don't resemble a person chewing on cows cock uttering words of bollocks. :D

    I just want to add that on any properly run forum, a person that speaks like this would be banned. It is also a fact that since the developers, for some strange reason, support hackers and nuggets like yourself that we find it problematic to ban you for threatening to play in a harmful manner - as you opnely have stated.

    It is a shame that a potentially epic game is being ruined by hackers, nuggets, and the developers.

  4. What, the post that says " We locked our servers because hackers removed all our tents"...............LOL and yet the tents are still on map.

    It's common knowledge that tents vanishing on mass on one server is usually to do with the SERVER. So if you waited for a restart the tents will come back, as is what happened on 298 server, NOT Hackers, a lame excuse to gain loot during lock out.

    If this is what you wish to think then so be it. I will reiterate that our primary goal is to provide decently run servers for all that wish to play and enjoy the games. If you think that we are crooked or dishonest, you are cordially invited to find a different server to play on.
