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Everything posted by siam331

  1. NCOM is a small private hive based bandit clan and we are looking to recruit a few more people to join us. We play on TPG private hive. Currently one of the best servers available in terms of anti hacking/rollbacks. Server has quite a few people and always admin on. We like to gear up and have fun. We are a very small clan currently with two people and one recruit. We are looking for experienced people with mics. Requirements: - You must have a mic and be mature - We communicate via Skype - We are very friendly guys and fair but we play the game as bandits - We need someone whos active. - We have strong anti hacking views which is why we only play on a secure server. If your interested Please add me on Steam at: Siam331 as well as add me on Skype at: siamahmed90. Please do both as I am not always on steam.
  2. siam331

    Trading [FN FAL AN/PVS-4]

    Isnt that a hacked weapon?
  3. siam331


    Yes prior to dayz he was already doing contract work on arma 3. So he was already working for bohemia
  4. siam331


    You dont release your hobby to the rest of the world. You do it to get their opinions and your getting it. Its a hobby that generated a shitload of money for Bohemia, and rocket works for Bohemia. Again if you really think rocket didnt make a penny from this game from Bohemia then your an absolute idiot.
  5. siam331


    Let me educate you with an analogy. If i join the Microsoft forums as a volunteer and act like a dick to the customers, Microsoft would high roll my ass outa the forums and apologize to the customers. It doesnt matter if your volunteer. There are countless high end jobs that are volunteering jobs it doesnt give anyone the right to be unprofessional. Let me finish by giving you the definition of Volunteer. Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. It is considered as serving the society through own interest, personal skills or learning, which in return produces a feeling of self-worth and respect, instead of money. Volunteering is also famous for skill development, to socialize and to have fun. It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment or for a variety of other reasons. @HighPiez Just because ur volunteering does not mean you get to do w.e the fuck you want. If you dont know that then your not educated enough to be responding to me. As for the Negativity, Being positive about dayz got me nowhere so negativity will have to do. Im getting more heard by the admins by being negative so thats what i will do. Until you can fix the problems that you created it will continue to go on and on. Dont give me crap about free, you made it open alpha to hear peoples opinions and your getting exactly that.
  6. siam331


    This is exactly the kind of unprofessional behaviour that is ruining the game for alot of people. If you arent getting paid then find another job. If you want to be an admin then represent your company with a professional response. Why dont you submit a Steam ticket with a rude comment? Go see the professional response you get from them. This isnt about getting the respect back this is about being a professional team. The OP isnt a part of a team that can potentially make millions of dollars, hes just sitting at home so he has no obligation to be professional.
  7. siam331


    Couldnt agree with you more. Anyone here naive enough to think rocket didnt make a dime from this need to graduate kindergarden. Rocket works for Bohemia interactive, If you made your company 34 million dollars in a matter of 4 months, do you REALLY think there bohemia isnt givving you a big FAT bonus? If you really think these devs are going to get away with brushing off 1.1 MILLION fans then they have another thing coming.
  8. This is getting ridicules where are the devs in the forums? where are the updates its been over 3 weeks (thats if you count that bullshit update called 1.7.5 that did nothing). This isnt a laughing matter where are the updates are the devs too busy sucking each others di**s? Honestly i know its an alpha/beta but this isnt my first time in the rodeo, i have played a ton of other betas and all of them have hard working devs working around the clock and updating within days to fix issues. To make matters worse the game consists of SERIOUSSS bugs that make the game unplayable that havent been fixed 3 weeks going now. Bugs like artrifects everywhere, tents/vehicles not saving. Its stupid how bad these guys are. GET UR ASS IN GEAR AND GET TO WORK. For those who want to troll let me answer a few questions before hand. This is only an alpha = Thats all the more reasons we should be seeing updates every other day This is a fan made game= Look at the amount of players playing this. Its time to hire a few extra people dont ya think? There is a standalone so they are working on that = That is no excuse for not working on the mod.. hire separate teams. Let me do the math for you. There 1147500 users each paying $30 each for this game. That totals to $ 34,425,000 dollars in 4 months of production in an alpha stage game that doesnt even have auto installer. There are companies that would kill to have those numbers and here you guys are completely wasting it. Im tired of seeing all the people quitting everyday because of ur too busy not doing anything. Again get ur shit together and fix the problems. The fact is if you dont fix this mod your standalone wont amount to much. Keeping the community happy should be more important right now then abandoning 1.1 MILLION fans (i say fans because you really need to be one to buy 2 games then manually downloading a mod)
  9. siam331

    Where the FU** is the support?

    Yes rocket works for the arma 3. He was also given project lead on the standalone. You missed the part about hiring a team. You also missed the part about the amount of money he could be making. Anyone naive enough to walk away from 1.1 million users is an idiot. Rocket is spending all his time at expos promoting game when he should be working on FIXING the game. Rockets not a fucking accountant doing this part time from his basement. I have a life and i also play dayz but if i had the opportunity rocket has right now i wouldnt be wasting it.
  10. siam331

    Vehicle and tent questions???

    The answer to all your questions is no. Thus all the people in general chat are quitting because after a while the game has no point
  11. siam331

    Swimming, Lost all my shit..

    Dayz Mythbusters watch it. When u swim u dont lose ur shit. It washes up at the nearest beach point. If you can find that point ull find all ur gear at the beach
  12. siam331

    L85A2 aws glitch?

    no L85 aws is the only legit gun in dayz with thermal.
  13. +1 for you sucking a dick. But seriously what does canadian have to do with it. Im Canadian and i play on dalas servers all the time with <25 ping.
  14. I am trying to understand why the fuck people are getting banned for using hacked or duped weapons when they had no part in hacking/duping the weapon. Picking up a weapon is a part of the game. Its not my fucking problem u retards at battleeye cant catch the people hacking/duping. I picked up the gun from a truck :S and thus is absolutely validated to use it. If you dont want me to take it out of my inventory (theres alot worser bugs in this game then that). Dont be banning people for having them because alot of players pick up guns. I dont keep track of every goddam guy that im allowed to use and pick up guns selectively. if i like i pick. So either do your job right or find another one. Unfairly banning people for doing nothing wrong is stupid. If i did nothing wrong then why should i be punished for someone elses hack. if u dont want people to pick up certain guns then give global messages saying exactly which guns.
  15. Thank you for being the only one to actually read. I understand your point and i would agree with you. But the problem is this game does not come with a manual or a tutorial or anything at all showing guns or anything else. m107 is a valid gun that is very rare, its only the tws version thats hacked in. You cannot expect every player to magically know which guns are legit and which arent. There isnt a hacked sign beside the gun nor are there announcements saying anything. Now i agree that these guns should not be in game, in which case they should take them out by taking it out of peoples inventory. Not by banning them unless they were the ones to hack it in. The ban was only for ONE server (not global) but it was a battleeye ban or atleast thats what it said. Battleeye ban:..... weapon m107 tws. The next server i went to i had no problems with.
  16. I am claiming EXACTLY that. Dont believe me? add me on steam: Siam331, ill give u the gun then log into and find out for urself. If your the server admin or something i can log into ur server and u can check my player logs.
  17. Again you misunderstand my point. My point isnt that i have a hacked weapon so i should be able to use it because i wasnt the hacker. My point is many people do not know which items are hacked and which arent. I picked up the gun because its badass and it was later someone told me that tws guns are actually hacked in. Now at that point again im not saying oh well i didnt hack it in so i should be able to use it. The point here is that if i do have it just take it out of my inventory dont ban me :S. If i was the hacker then by all means ban the shit out of me. But if someone picks up the gun not knowing then they shouldnt be banned. Theres 4071 servers so i couldnt care less about being baned from 1 server, which is why its not in ban appeals im just trying to figure out why these battleeye people are so incompetent. Find the people who hack these things and ban them or make them disappear out of dayz If that was the case i would understand but it was automated. I loged in and 10 secs later i got it. Also the gun was in my backpack so no1 could have seen it. You can give all the moral speeches u want but if u saw a heatseeking rocket launcher in the back of a truck i guaranty u, you will take it out for a spin. Banning people for having them isnt the answer. Banning people for spawning them is.
  18. Nope sorry im not the hacker. If i was i wouldnt be pissed about it in the forums. I wasnt global banned just banned from 1 server as soon as i joined. Which is why im trying to understand the logic behind it. Why the fuck would i be posting this if I was the hacker.. its general discussion.. u pass kinder garden? if so use some common sense. It WAS a battleeye ban for Possession of a m107 TWS no scripting. Add me on steam. ill give u my tws and then join Wait 30 secs then shoot urself for being a dumb ass
  19. We are recruiting players for our clan called No Country for Old Men. As the name suggests we are looking for mature adults and not kids. Only 3 rules for being in the clan. We do not require mandatory participation, come on whenever you want and hang out and play. The rules are: 1. Friendly (no killing each other) 2. Must have a mic 3. No hacking, duping or any sort of misconduct. We communicate via private ventillo server. We currently have 10 players in the clan including experienced heli pilots and some crazy guns. If your interested please add siam331 or wargameklok on steam and we will talk.
  20. The information above is pretty crappy actually. The game is MUCH easier to install if u have a steam copy. First of all steam allowes you to very easily set startup commands before playing dayz. Second, MOST players that play dayz have the steam version so you will get alot more support if anything goes wrong. Lastly, that 20gb download theory is wrong. Steam allows dynamic file download which means if one of your files are corrupt steam will automatically download that one file via steams integrity check. If you screw up anything in a non steam version you will have no clue which file is corrupt or which file ur missing and thus will have to install the whole game again. Overall steam will be the way to go, specially when you get more involved with the community (clans) and you will end up using steam friends to add them and such. So buy it in steam so you own it forever instead of having a disc. PS: With steam you will be able to play dayz in multiple computers, with a retail you can only use ur cd key in one computer. Normally I would recommend a combined operations copy over the free+OA copy but in this case go with the free+OA simply because dayz will be standalone soon anyways. There is no point in spending more money for a game that will just get replaced unless your actually planning on playing arma 2 without dayz.
  21. I saw a few videos on youtube and it looked cool so i got it. I like the idea of the game but it doesnt work as it stands. First of all no more global chat.. terrible idea. This is a game where time is spent on finding loots and the right gear and avoiding zombies. Did that a bunch of times only to be teleported to places and killed (Or worse teleported to the middle of the ocean and left there). LOL the hackers are everywhere. Good thing i got a refund for me 30 dollars what a waste of a good idea. Before any1 starts being a fanboy and tells me to use the search ill just leave me account here. Send me a pm when u get a standalone with no hackers maybe ill spend my money then. Peace out to bf3