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Radek (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Radek (DayZ)

  1. WHERE WE ARE YOU insult? We did not go out fighting! In the video, you summed up writing "Fuckin Russians" . We had 4 cars! Once you write that a lot of Russian on the server, how do you know that these are people from our group? Write nicknames, in whom you fired from my group and he came out? Where is the evidence? And I see the admin is not stupid, he sent some idiot with false text. Ahahahaha))) Quotes from the game? Who will buy it?

  2. Review of the video and see what you wrote about our cars! Do not take off blankly at the restart. The video shows that you specifically do a rollback to all the cars back on the spot! NONE of my team did not offend the admin server. You're acting like a little girl! And why do not you speak about your racist remarks? nothing to say?

  3. Are you racist?

    Do you understand the idea of the game dayz?

    You are constantly violated our Russian saying that we piled

    Banned after I tell you that you should not have insulted on a national basis

    Constantly encourages players hates Russian

    frank and divided the Russian serf to Russian and

  4. Do not take off on the restart of the server. You wrote that with the setback otbreshe our cars. You insult us (in the video is seen). Since we have not had any problems. You just hate the Russian. It all began with what we have been robbed of your other camp. Rocket himself wrote that he just gave us a world in which we ourselves are creating their game. Ata has imposed its own rules. We played very long, long time collecting the loot, and you're a freak ruined the game and we behaved as a heifer. The screenshots can be seen, as you call us. When the admin imposes its own rules, it's not a game. Confirmation of the word game developer. You're a racist. You do not understand the meaning playing DayZ. Why did you banned me? I demand the cause.

    Are you racist? How do you explain his racist remarks.

    We have never turned off during a firefight. You have written repeatedly that all Russian disabled. You have a hatred for the Russian. Are you fucking racist. Stop lying. We do not have all the equipment (not ALL) On the screenshot you can see how you write the dump from your server. We did not break the rules.

  5. Admin name Zelus.

    It all started with the fact that we found someone camp, where they were machines. Naturally, we took them myself.

    Soon after the admin knew that it was us (the machine had it) in our side went accusations and insults on a national basis, almost always, when he saw us on their server "fuckin russians etc." (with confirmation screens included) Harassment in our direction came from the other players in this server. After that, he wrote that restartnet server and will roll back the machine to pick them from us. In the end what happened.

    When we wrote to the company that he has no right, he banned almost all of us

    He broke the rules written in a forum

    Admin cannot:

    - Crash your game

    - Roll back our servers to previous 'saves'

    Please take action against the administrator.



