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Everything posted by TrueGrits

  1. TrueGrits

    g36c SD

    Just found one of these in a military tents in cherno with 7 mags. What should i do with it I mean i have a m4 sd cco, Is thing any good or even on the spawn table for loot? I want to keep it and give it to my buddy but it itf one of those hacked weapons ill destory it and move on
  2. been running around solo for a while looking for some people roll with and have fun.
  3. Well gents I got me a pair of bandits today who setup shop in the woods by the barracks at the NWAF. These guys were gear farming tenet full of gear and ammo, spamming 50 cals at zomibes xD. I mean were just out right dying to be found and gunned down. I prone my way into there AO 3 tents setup right next to each other. As I was slow crawled closer to those tents, 2 guys run right by me from the rear not even thinking tho be stealthy or look to see if everything was ok, I mean I was in the grass in the open any one would have saw me if they were paying close attention. they stop at the tents and move into the barracks I waited for there return SD m4 at the ready. they came back stop at the tents one had Zed aggro he stopped to draw his side arm 5 shots to the head combat logged but died doing so. The other tried booking it I shot him up combat logged but logged back in and passed out in front of me I put two in his head. took his 50 took mags from the tents. I swear if i had C4 id blow up those tents but i didn't so i camped them for a hour then left. morel of the store scout your AO before rolling in you never now if some one is in the bush waiting to light you up
  4. TrueGrits

    g36c SD

    you got a point. i found it with some of the mags spent looks like who ever had it be for me found something better. I don't plan on using it since I have a legit weapons already. once i get a tent and can find a nice hiding spot ill set up a camp and keep all the stuff i find there.
  5. TrueGrits

    g36c SD

    o well thats good. Yeah i just found it there looks like i got a some what rare weapon if i had a tent id keep it there xD
  6. TrueGrits

    My lucky dayz

    Well I join a server off a fresh spawn ran around cherno looking for gear. Got me a back pack and some other crap nothing good. so I said lets check electro might be something good there after last night on the same server. A chopper spawned in the field and pub dude were paling around that area at the time. Didn't want to walk into that death hole so I came back today. So I make it to the first fire station by the store i walk into the doors and all I see it this massive pile of loot. high grade stuff NVG, range finders SD weapons with a shit load of mags. I cant be leave some one just left all that there. Well his lost now this loner is on a mission to stay alive :lol:
  7. TrueGrits

    My first kill

    Here post your first kill that started your road to being bandido. today was my first murder It felt good and im not going to lie I was this close to being spotted here how it went down. I just was making my was back to the coast from looting the NW airfield got me some nice gear from there too DMR and a m4a3 cco as well as a m9sd. So I figure if I cut though the forests near stary i could cut my time down a bit and have lots of cover due to the tree lines I was also on the look of out for downed choppers. I came up to this hill and found a deer stand some zombies came at me i put them down with my pistol. I got to the deer stand and just as i hit climb ladder off to my left i see this player roll up to the trees next to me. quickly i got of the ladder and back paddle behind some trees and prone in them. he did spot my move but didn't know were i went he came toe to me face with then move to the left a bit I put 3 rounds in his ass and he was down for the count. I thought holy sh*t wtf was he doing out here look down the hill to my right downed chopper... killed two birds with one stone :D