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About joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

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    Brighton, United Kingdom
  1. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    sniper damage

    DMR's damage across long range isn't even that good anymore, I've taken multiple shots at people from roughly 700-900 metres, all hitting and the player still didn't go down NOR was he knocked out. Must of happened what, four times now?
  2. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Starting/looking for a group

    Do you have a Mic? : Yes Do you have Teamspeak or Skype? : Both, Skype: JoeJohnsonZ How old are you? : 16 almost 17 Whats your play style? : I can play a mixture of flavours, I prefer the hero/friendly approach but I'm more than happy to play as a bandit if that's the way everyone wants to play =] What experience do you have with DayZ and Arma 2? : I've been playing DayZ and Arma 2 since a month after the release Whats your timezone? : GMT+0 (London, UK)
  3. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for UK Group of about 6 for Origins

    16 Year old coming on 17, been playing since a month after the release of Vanilla DayZ, I've been in a tactical and hero playstyle clan for origins however I haven't played it in a long time so I may have to get used to it again. But, I would love to play with you guys, I'm from the UK.
  4. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for 3-6 people to play DayZero or Overwatch with

    Do you have a Mic? : Yes Do you have Teamspeak or Skype? : Both :) How old are you? : 16 coming on 17 Whats your play style? : I like to play as a friendly, none of that shooting new spawns or un-armed players rubbish, just genuine play with a squad to eliminate the bandits =] What experience do you have with DayZ and Arma 2? : I've been playing since a month after release Whats your timezone? : GMT+0 (London UK)
  5. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Our mentality

    Agreed, but the DayZ community is hostile... the latest mods (Overwatch and origins) make it so, more military loot in pretty much every city etc. It's so easy for a bambi to pick up a weapon and shoot somebody because they're greedy and want the persons weapon. It happens all to often, there is absolutely no way you can have a good friendly interaction with a fully armed player up north, it's always with new spawns with nothing and until they get a weapon they're the friendliest person in the world. I want the old vanilla dayz days, even if it had the m107's, l85's, as50's, I miss those days so much and in my eyes the mod at the moment is almost near-impossible to play as a friendly player.
  6. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Vanilla DayZ

    Are there any servers that are back to basics, original DayZ, e.g M107'S/AS50'S etc?
  7. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for a few players for already 4-5 player strong group!

    I'm 16 and I'd be up for joining your squad, I've got 3 months under my belt and I'm an active player.
  8. Name - Joe Age - 16 Playtime - 2-3 Months Skype name - Ramitane I'm a tactical, friendly player who's looking for a team to squad up in. I've been in multiple squads before and understand how they run and what to do. =]
  9. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    looking for 3-4 players to play with!

    I'm a 16 year old player from the UK, I have a mic so I'd be willing to be in this squad =] As long as your 15+
  10. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    You know you're playing too much DayZ when...

    When you take out a hatchet and try to reload it.
  11. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    If using a mic is not required then I'll be happy to apply.
  12. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Hackers rant

    You can't shoot through walls, hacks or no hacks, as far as I'm concerned. =]
  13. joej1234@hotmail.co.uk

    Active Player LFG

    Hello there, I'm a English player looking for a squad who doesn't mind accepting a player without a mic. I'm fully geared and have survived for 16 days as a lone wolf. I'm looking for a squad that likes to roam and maybe has a camp. I'm a very cautious player who scouts out alot before entering a zone. I'm a very good shot with a sniper which would make me a good marksman for the squad. I follow instructions easily and I'm a good listener aswell and finally, I know the map almost off by heart. If your willing to accept me, my skype is ramitane