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About Depletion

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Depletion

    CD Key theft.

    If I purchase arma 2 and combinded ops to play the DayZ mod, Do I have to create a new steam account or will it overwrite my ban from the CD key theft and I can use my old steam account?
  2. Depletion

    Server Hosting Help

    you can rent dayz standalone servers from websites like gameservers.com they can host the servers and you rent them but we cant? Im not understanding how they are able to do so.
  3. Depletion

    Server Hosting Help

    Long long ago perhaps I may have :/ Perhaps you can enlighten me on the issue of server hosting for the people?
  4. Depletion

    I have a dream!

    I have a dream that one day you can trust some in the world of DayZ. I dream that when someones tells you they are friendly, they mean it! Seriously though. I just ran around with 2 people for 45 minutes helping them kill zeds find food, water, and gear and the moment they get their hands on a gun... BOOM right to the back...
  5. Depletion

    Server Hosting Help

    Im having a hard time understanding how websites can host the DayZ standalone servers but we the people dont have access to do it. Why?
  6. Depletion

    Player Housing / Storage

    I had a idea for player housing to store items or base at in general. Survivors need shelter and a place to settle down afterall :) So my thoughts, Allow players to scavenge industrial areas for a kit that contains items to replace the door locks on a house and allow the player to have a key in the kit unique to their profile so only they can enter the house. Aswell only allow players to have 1 house on the server at a time and the ability to use the house would be lost if the player is inactive for 15-30 days. Players could remove the locks on the house and then be allowed to relocate else where. The player has the option to lock and unlock the doors to allow friends inside. Along with the ability to have a house give players the ability to store clothing in a dresser or something to have a variety of choices depending on weather or maybe a adventure the player would like to prepare for. Another idea I had for storage would be a gun safe that could allow players to store 5 primary weapons or 10 and store other items within the safe. To get a gun safe players could again scavenge industrial areas for the materials to make a safe. Perhaps a rotating dial or something of that sort along with a metal case, hinges, and handle. These ideas could further the use of wrenches, hammers, and maybe a screwdriver if we dont have one already. Just a idea. What do yall think? sorry about the long post :D.
  7. Additional vehicle spawns (Extra chopper spawn locations), Fresh spawn loadout tweaked. We have ventrilo (vent info is in message of the day). Wrecks have been removed for faster travel. Clans, Bandits, and lonewolfs are all welcome :) We look forward to seeing you. IP: Arma Version: 1.62.99515 Lingor Version: 1.2 50 Slot server 24/7 Daytime. Auto Restarts every 6 hours Difficulty: Regular. Crosshairs are on. 3rd Person is on. Name plates are off. Side chat enabled. Rules: No Cheats/Glitching (Haven't had any issues brought to our admins yet.) Please no using mics in Side Chat When using chat please no racial or offensive remarks
  8. Additional vehicle spawns (Extra chopper spawn locations), Fresh spawn loadout tweaked. We have ventrilo (vent info is in message of the day). Wrecks have been removed for faster travel. Clans, Bandits, and lonewolfs are all welcome :) We look forward to seeing you. IP: Arma Version: 1.62.99515 Lingor Version: 1.2 50 Slot server Timezone: GMT-6 Auto Restarts every 6 hours Difficulty: Regular. Crosshairs are on. 3rd Person is on. Name plates are off. Side chat enabled. Rules: No Cheats/Glitching (Haven't had any issues brought to our admins yet.) Please no using mics in Side Chat When using chat please no racial or offensive remarks
  9. Off road gaming is a fresh Lingor Island server. Modified helicopter spawn locations aswell as a few additional vehicle spawns. Fresh spawn loadouts are slightly tweaked. Currently 3 active admins monitor all activity to ensure the best gameplay possible. We have ventrillo :D Clans, bandits, and friendlys are all welcome :) The server location is on central time, located in Dallas Texas. 6 hour restarts. IP: Port:3153 Join us :D Website is under development. Vent info is on the servers message of the day.
  10. Off road gaming is a fresh Lingor Island server. Modified helicopter spawn locations aswell as a few additional vehicles. Fresh spawn loadouts are slightly tweaked. Currently 3 active admins monitor all activity to ensure the best gameplay possible. Clans, bandits, and friendlys are all welcome :) IP: Port:3153 Join us :D Website is under development.
  11. Off road gaming is a fresh Lingor Island server. Modified helicopter spawn locations aswell as a few additional vehicles. Fresh spawn loadouts are slightly tweaked. Currently 3 active admins monitor all activity to ensure the best gameplay possible. Clans, bandits, and friendlys are all welcome :) IP: Port:3153 Join us :D Website is under development.
  12. Depletion

    Off Road Gaming.

    Off road gaming is a fresh Lingor Island server. Modified helicopter spawn locations aswell as a few additional vehicle spawns. Fresh spawn loadouts are slightly tweaked. Currently 3 active admins monitor all activity to ensure the best gameplay possible. We have ventrillo :D Clans, bandits, and friendlys are all welcome :) The server location is on central time, located in Dallas Texas. 6 hour restarts. IP: Port:3153 Join us :D Website is under development. Vent info is on the servers message of the day.
  13. Last i played Dayz everything was fine. I get off for a few months, I then updated the arma 2 and dayz files, then installed dayz lingor. When i attepted to log in I had the global ban #f7ae36. Has anyone else had this problem? Iv tried finding info on it and havent found anything. If anyone knows a fix id appriciat it. :)
  14. Depletion

    Craziest shot you've ever landed?

    Killed a guy with a M107 at 1100 meters out while he was running.