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About SharkSaver

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    Somewhere North of Starry watching you loot.
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  1. Player Jack Goff has been admittedly spawning guns, including AS50 TWS somewhere near Kamyshovo. He and player name Madeline have been using these guns to find a repair vehicles. I know both of them, and have played with them before I knew about this. Jack keeps a Thermal AS50 in a camping tent somewhere in the forest near Pik Kazlova, Kamyshovo, and Tulga. I heard Jack (over ventrillo, 7:48 PM PST, first video corrupted) admit that he had spawned guns, L85s and AS50s, and kept them in his tent. Jack: "It would be great to get everyone on and have a massive squad to slaughter everyone." Me: "Once we find all our guns." Madeline: "Or just have Jack spawn all our guns." Me: "But that takes the fun out of the game." (not the reason I'm reporting, I'm fully geared for PvP, but this is still wrong) Madeline: "That's too hard" Jack: " **** that, who wants to look for guns." In addition, I believe this is also his own server, as for the most part they are the only 2 in the server, and is titled so be hosted by JGserver.com. When he is offline, it shows that the server too is offline, this means that it is difficult for evidence to be found. (go check) I've played, bled and died alongside both of them, I've picked them up from cherno and even geared them myself, I saddens me to have to send this in, but cheating is cheating, I don't take it lightly.
  2. SharkSaver

    The worst thing I ever did..

    Not the worst thing ever. I was a fresh spawn after being killed by a glitch, running to Balota. I run into 2 guys who had just found each other and were completely lost. I know the map pretty well and offered to help them out. They both accept the help and I run into the medical tents. Zombies begin to over run us and I tell them to leave, we run to the airfield hoping to find a gun there. Nothing. Then I run down to the little guard house and there I find a m1911, I tell them over VoIP to get back into the radio tower, I pop all the zombies chasing us and start heading down. One of them breaks his legs on the stairs from another glitch and his friend freaks out telling me to get them morphine that he'd stay with his friend. Instead, I apologize and tell them this will be easier shooting both of them in the head. After that, I walked out of the airfield and met up the rest of my squad. Found out later that it was better off that I did shoot them, they spawned and found decent guns (saw them about an hour later with my squad)
  3. AS50, MP5SD (haven't been able to find a M4 CCO SD because my squad will pick them up usually) and an M9SD for when the zeds get too close. My spotter carries an L85 and a DMR for night time sniping.
  4. SharkSaver

    Lost everything when I spawned.

    Ahh well, it just so happened that about a week after I spawn fresh from dying to the zombie and head to the NWAF. Found a dead guy with an L85, NVGs, and rangefinders. If I hadn't lost all my stuff I wouldn't have gone to NWAF to get regeared and I wouldn't have found the guy. worked out in the end.
  5. SharkSaver

    Lost everything when I spawned.

    Well, apparently this has been happeneing a lot. My friend told me to try logging out of the server and logging a different one before trying to move in the current one, this teleported him to the coast on the server he logged into. Just try to find an empty server first, don't lose a ghillie and an m4sd to some noob lucky enough to be looking in your direction while you log in on the coast.
  6. SharkSaver

    US 1337 Invisible Man

    Same thing just happened to me, but by an m4 kind of weapon, and he stood there waiting "breathing" down our necks. Both me and my friend died.
  7. SharkSaver

    Invisible Player in Seattle 1337

    Time was after 12:00 AM PST on Friday August 10. Weapon was M4 type (from sound) with a single shot to the head for both me and my friend.we died shorty after they other. It may be possible that he shot us from debug if that is still a bug.
  8. Was killed by an invisible player in cherno shortly after logging in. No player name was seen.
  9. SharkSaver

    Lost everything when I spawned.

    Thanks, now it's time to find myself all my gear and loot for 3 hours while hunting people to get everything back.
  10. I was moving items with a friend in Kabanino, when I logged in and moved my items between accounts my items moved and eveything was fine, I logged in my another friends account to pick up the gun because it was his and he wasn't there. So I picked up the gun, and went back to my account when I logged back in I had no backpack, no secondary and no items in my inventory I also spawned in Lapatino. Can anyone explain what happened? Also, I got a message about hackers, does this mean that battle eye thought I was hacking or was it a bug?