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About Tassy

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    On the Coast
  1. to USA, west coast it's 120-140. Not sure what it is to UK though. I'll ave a look tonight after I watch the Westham v Sunderland match (go ya Irons!!) :) edited Sadly I tried the server, an I get 300-350 ping's. Not good for anyone ......
  2. You lads wouldn't be the ones told me that if I dont pay the 5$ a month fee my CD can be banned? lol. Sadly I cant play on Aussie servers because of this attitude, so I have to play in USA, suprisingly, better than Australian servers, and a damn sight more friendly.
  3. Having been an Admin in several FPS games, I find it far more rewarding to actually be professional an polite to people than "yell" at them on a forum. In last few days I have been looking at alot of these private servers, all I have found is hate, abuse, power/ego boosting people, while they attempt to extort real $$ out of people "or els we will have your CDkey banned"....lol. Good luck with that. I must say there is only one private server I have found, that is mature, sensible an "fun" an thats a lingor server in USA. They also don't try to screw people down for cash.
  4. Been tryin to find a UK server to play on while I live in Tasmania, I grew up in North West London. But its really hard to find a server that tolerates Aussie pings from UK :(
  5. Tassy

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Must admit I love this map, it's just sad that all the Aussie servers are trying to charge for access to the servers per week/month. So I have to find a Yank server to play on.
  6. Tassy

    Stuck in Version 1.5.7 of DayZ

    I was playing the game just fine today, after update, I now cant get the patch to decompress, nor can I get the game to run it just sits in lobby an spams "trying to authenticate".... over an over. I downloaded the new patcher an it wouldn't decompress the dayz_v1.1.5 rah
  7. Tassy

    Spawning Dead Bug Fix?

    yes its getting me to ther point of forgetting about it, which is sad cos its such a fun game. But 13 hours unconscious an unable to do a thing is beyond funny.
  8. Tassy

    I keep respawning dead.

    This is becoming a joke :(... I really wanted to get into this game, but spending a few days laying on ground is well out of order. Irony is, everyone refuses to come an kill me so I can die an respawn. They just laugh an block me when I ask for help just before I load into the landscape, an my buttons lock out so I cant do a thing. my player ID is 13641286
  9. Tassy

    I keep respawning dead.

    I wonder if anyone can help me please, I have the same problem as others here, for last 4 hours an it's starting to drive me silly :(.... Nothing I have been able to do has helped, an all you get from other players is idiotic abuse....