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Everything posted by Darkbud

  1. Darkbud

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yeah, scrap 'em. Bandit model doesn't really do a good job of saying who's who. Plenty of people in bandit skins aren't bandits, and plenty of people not wearing the bandit skin are just waiting for the oppertunity to whack someone.
  2. Darkbud


    Hey, I think the leaderboards are a pretty cool thing myself. It's nice to be able to take a look and see who all is doing what. The people who've lived the longest, who's killed the most zombies, bandits, ect. I think there's kind of something else that should be listed on them though. Could we get them to show highest and lowest humanity also? It would be cool to see just who's the meanest SOBs and who's the nicest people out there too. I personally try to be a nice guy and have, in my opinion, pretty high humanity. I think it would be pretty nice to see who else does and how I stack up.
  3. Darkbud


    Well, the leaderboards would only show the very worst and the very best people. I would imagine someone who's either that bad, or that good would garner some sort of reputation. Your average person wouldn't be in the top 10 of bad guy/good guy I wouldn't think, so the suspense of who to trust would still remain. At that rate though, you can already see who the top 10 murderers are, both currently alive and of all time. I have to admit, I am mostly asking this to find out about the top 10 nicest people. I can reasonably presume the top 10 murderers of all time are the folks with the lowest humanity, but who're the shining stars of DayZ? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's curious and wants to know.
  4. Darkbud

    First Impressions....

    eh, you don't want inventory to be too realistic though. I've got an alice pack with 80 of those 30 round AR mags in my storage room right now. That might be a bit excessive, and if they were all full very heavy.
  5. Darkbud

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I totally agree it's a pvp game. It seems the majority of the complaints come from people who have been killed repeatedly within the first 15-20 minutes of game play, before they actually start getting into it. I think if the spawns were more varied you'd have less of that and more actual pvp, people getting decent shit to duke it out with, the fights being more centered on the places that load the best gear, airfields, military camps, such like that. I don't think most people mind pvp, they dislike the "chill on the beach and shoot the newbie" mentality.
  6. Darkbud

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Probably the best way to fix all the complaints about pvp is to increase the number of spawn points and spread them out more within the map. Everyone starts relatively close together on the coast, but if they started randomly throughout the island you'd have less people hanging out by the spawns waiting to cap newbies. I'd say just keep the spawns away from the places that give the best loot, airfields, military camps, so on and so forth, but have folks spawn near all those little farms.