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About Kaos75

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  1. Kaos75

    Day Z + Shadowplay?

    So I have found a solution...Open your DayZ.cfg file located in your Documents folder. Change Windowed=0 to Windowed=1. Save and exit. Start Shadowplay and close it again for at least 10 seconds. Turn Shadowplay on again (using the On button) and Load DayZ and then hit ALT+Enter to go fullscreen. You should see the Shadowplay Icon on the bottom right now without a red line crossing it. Hope it worked for you. Absolutely brilliant program from Nvidia...Much better quality than that of Fraps...26m32s with a file size of 3,59GB. No noticable hit on my FPS at all. Absolutely LOVE it :D. Leave some feedback if this helped you out. EDIT: Sry didn't read the new comments which already contained the steps that i listed in my post. Guess that is what happens when i assume too much. ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME ;)
  2. Have to agree...If you're looking for hardcore PVP and a new experience in Dayz then you need to check out the TimZ servers. Crafting, a slightly modified Chernarus map, the ability to build a base and of course the awesome JSRS sound mod are just a few of the things that makes the TimZ mod stand out above the rest. An awesome (and deadly) community with passionate and active admins, as well as a competent dev team that is continually improving the Timz experience is what you will find once you sign up for whitelisting. Definately worth checking out.
  3. http://dayzmonitor.c..._info/2465.html
  4. Kaos75

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Oh please god nooooooeeeessss!!!! Don't take the easy way out...Leave it the way it is now...I'll never get the grass stains out again - MUWHAHAHA!!
  5. Kaos75

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Thank you ... A man that like a challenge. :) To be honest at first i hated the new patch, but after spending maybe an hour or so playing this evening i have to say that i prefer it the way it is now...sure the no weapon spawn is a bit of a pain, but it is manageable and adds to the "OMG i hope that i find something in this town" thought process after a new spawn...I hate the crossbow, but i sure as hell was glad to find one in a barn after i had pulled about 10 of those flesh eating body bags. To all those who are criticising the new Zed behaviour give it a try and be patient and think back to the first time you played DayZ...You have to adapt to survive!
  6. Kaos75

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    The zeds behaviour now is almost perfect and you can loose them. I spawned just outside of elektro, SE of the powerplant ran past the little refinery or whatever it is and directly pulled a couple of zeds. I then used the fence that was there to slow them down a bit and ran up the hill in effect losing them them because they couldn't track me anymore. Even in Elektro i went thru the city looting...U just have to keep ur eyes open and don't run around like a headless chicken is all...and btw since the new patch i haven't proned once to get past a zed....Just saying...
  7. Kaos75

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Yeah kudos to you Rocket as well as to the rest of the dev team.
  8. Kaos75

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Have to give Eza right...i also find that the game has lost a lot of appeal for me now...spawning with a flashlight...wow great! I understand the principle behind it, but it is after all a game. New players will play a couple of minutes, die a couple of times and that's that, no more DayZ for them. Been playing the mod for at least 6 weeks now and i think that this update i has gone in the wrong direction regarding the initial loadout. The zombie difficulty is ok, but spawning with just a flashlight and a couple of goodies is too hardcore and kills the enjoyment imo.
  9. Kaos75

    [GUIDE] Gear/Inventory

    @Captain_English nice tut for the new players...unfortunately or fortunately I had to learn everything the hard way...sometimes that's the better way, I applaude you nonetheless for ur effort to bring the knowledge to the new players...*hat off to you sir*
  10. Kaos75

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    "Generally speaking, after donating a unit of blood (450ml), the body replaces the fluid and white cells within 24 hours, and platelets and plasma proteins within 48-72 hours. The red blood cells are completely replaced in 4-6 weeks." The health regen, if implemented at all, would have to be relatively small. Speaking from a physiological standpoint the white blood cells (Leucocytes) are responsible for combating infection within the body. Haemoglobin, which is the blood plasma, where all the blood corpuscles are transported in is a transport medium for the platelets and nutrients. The healers in the blood are the red blood corpuscles (Erythrocytes) which transport oxygen, minerals and nutrients around the body, as well as the Thrombocytes which are responsible for the blood clotting. Obviously the above-mentioned timeframe for regeneration doesn't translate very well ingame, but i personally feel that it should be introduced. The rate woulld have to be relatively small though say at about 10 points/hour. Regarding blood packs or transfusion, I have to agree with Toez, the transfusion and gaining of blood points should bring with it a little "downtime" before one gets the points back up. IMO it should also not be boosted all the way up again. Those are my 2 cents worth on the subject. *End of the Doctor's housecall*