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About GrimFaust

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. People are mostly aggressive because it's a game and there's no consequences. The humanity system could be the start of something, but as is you're right, this game is little more than a frag fest with zombies tossed in to annoy people. It becomes ever more evident as you play longer and realize that all the gear you find is quite easily lost and mostly pointless to get back little more than a main gun and a penchant to kill someone. This game almost reaches a level of consistant playability, but it lacks greatly in the persistance department. You essentially play until you die and start from scratch. With people who've played long enough, all this game becomes is a way kill people who haven't already got their fill of the PvE dynamic and still think this is some survival mmo. The standalone sounds like it will improve on the replayability aspect, but as the game sits with all the hackers and camping snipers it gets pretty repetitive and fast.
  2. GrimFaust

    Trading for tent.

    Tents are useless right now. They dont save anything, so whatever you put them is as good as gone.
  3. GrimFaust

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My criticism outlined a flaw and I did so in the face of people who clearly didn't see why it was wrong and they were defending it with little incite as to the type of problems this "fix" actually can cause. If discussion on a forum made for discussion bothers you, perhaps you should stop reading it and posting about how you dislike having to read views that oppose yours. It makes you look lost and incoherent.
  4. GrimFaust

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I wasn't talking like Rocket owe's me anything. I was talking like I was disagreeing with the people who think the respawn being gone is good when it's clearly not.
  5. GrimFaust

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    To those that say that removing the respawn was good, well you're wrong and I'll tell you why. Last night a D-bag teleported everyone on my server to the middle of nowhere in the ocean. Since I couldn't respawn, I had to wait 3 hours for my char to starve to death before I could play again. I'm sure there could be limitations put in place for respawning, like a limited frequency of maybe 1-2 times an hour. But removing it completely was just dumb. Games need stuck options. People get stuck. No stuck option and getting stuck = horseshit and it needs to be addressed.
  6. GrimFaust

    Kill self?

    Everything is up to date, just re-checked. Took me 3 hours to finally starve and die. :\
  7. GrimFaust

    Kill self?

    Bump because I have nothing better to do. Does starving not even work? My food and water have been red for a long time now and my temp is flashing, yet im still at 12k blood.
  8. GrimFaust

    Kill self?

    Nope, I essentially just respawned after dying last night and not even being able to login to any game. Now I'm logged in and I cant even play. This mod is starting to turn out to be a big joke.
  9. GrimFaust

    Kill self?

    Is there no way to kill yourself and respawn? Some asshat teleported my server in the middle of the water, I've been swimming torwards the shore for the past hour now and I havent moved and I'm not dead. Im hoping there's an easier way here instead of having to wait for who knows how long for my char to starve.