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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. In short yes, you'll have to keep your settings i'd guess around medium and visual range to 2k'ish meters. I was on a laptop up until recently that had worse stats then that and I was able to run DayZ with not too many issues.
  2. Ummm, what? you're not making any sense.
  3. Or you could post details on a thread where you're trying to recruit people. I can't just hop on your TS server since I'm at work later tonight. Hence why I'm asking here. =)
  4. Ok, then, How would one progress in rank in your clan. I understand you'd start at the bottom. What beniefits does ranking up get you? How many ranks do you have etc.
  5. If you read the wiki or did a simple search, yes you can put packs with items in a tent, however, after a server restart that pack will still be in your tent but empty.
  6. So for the forum team / Fraggle. With the overwhelming majority of those that have voted so far in favor of the hive wipe has the Dev team seen this thread yet? If not is there a way you can bring this to their attention? I would imagine that there are forums that are just for those associated with the forum and dev teams that the rest of us meat sacks can't see. Also take into mind that I didn't read all 14 pages, only got though about 5 with most people saying to wipe the hive.
  7. That still doesn't really explain anything. Generally any ranking system you have to "work for your rank". If you could vague it up a bit more that would be great.
  8. So how does your "Competitive Ranking Structure" work. Checked your site and it didn't have anything posted on it that is accesibale. I would think that would be on your main page instead of buried in forums that you have to register to look at. I already have enough forum passwords to remember.
  9. I've had similar experiences, found a tent city last night. Only 1 tent had anything in it but you can tell it's the start of a new camp. It was fairly well hidding just happened to be on the route from my camp to Stary. Scored a fn fal and as50. found another camp top of sniper hill above elektro with 2 as50's and 10 satchel charges. looted the as50's made 2nd trip for the charges then blew up the tent with 1 chage. Good times!
  10. Running to Stary last night to meet up with my buddy and came across a camp with about 20 tents in it. Only 1 tent had any gear, picked up an AS50 and a FN Fal, no ammo but that's ok still a good haul. After that my buddy and I head up to NWAF to check the barracks and we find an offroad truck packed full of gear. Picked up a L85 and tons of supplies, we got fairly close to our camp before the tires on the truck blew. So we shuttled everything to our camp and saved the truck. It might have been hacked we'll check tonight to see if it's still there after the server reset. Hopefully it is and we'll have a new truck to add to our growing stockpile.
  11. Well speaking of that, I did find a tent on sniper hill above elektro that had couple of as50's and a ton of stachel charges. no ammo, so i took the charges and as50's and used a chage and blew up the camp. That was fun =). So far my camp hasn't been found since the update. Hopefully it's still there tonight when I get home to check.
  12. My first real kill happened the other night at the NE Barracks at the NW Airfield. My buddy and I log in about 250m fromt he barracks. He loads up first and tells me there's already Z's in the area. I get and and start scanning the area and find nothing but Z's. We decide that he either left the area or logged. So we move up to the barracks still checking our surroundings just in case and it appears clear. I move into the barracks and check the shower stall for some loot. I see a coyote backpack and think well thats cool but we each already have one. Then all of a sudden the backpack moves and I realize that there's a prone person attatched to it. I'm so surprised that my instant reaction is to open fire. I keep firing untill a second after I hear the flies. There was blood everywhere even dripping off the ceiling. I had a FN Fal and ended up using about 1/2 of the clip. Way more then neccessary and it made so much noise that my buddy took a couple of min killing all the Z's that came charging at us. I think I surprised the guy as much as he surprised me, my reaction just happened to be faster and with an automatic weapon. He had the basic tool kit with not much supplies that we needed. But still a blast.
  13. Also to add, I was running on an older laptop. Specs for that were ASUS G50VT Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0 GHz 4gb DDR2 GeForce 9800M 512MB 320gb HD I was able to run it fairly well with some lag spikes. Visual range was about 2500 meters on medium settings. Not the greatest setup but still worked just fine.
  14. Here's what I use, max settings on everything with visual range set at 10,000 meters. I run about 15-20 fps so not perfect but for that visual range still pretty darn good. I can see Zub Castle from Stary Sobor. Asus G53SX Rh-71 Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2GHz) Processor 8GB DDR3 Memory 15.6" Full HD (1920 x 1080) Display Nvidia GTX 560M 2GB GDDR5 Graphics 1 TB Hard drive. (it's really 2 500gb HD)
  15. Just FYI you can be banned now for holding scripted weapons. If it's not in the game bury it with the body. Be glad you didnt get caught.
  16. You can save items in tents and vehicles, however they are server based and if anyone comes across them they can loot them. Items on your character save to the hive and will go with you from server to server. Hope that helps.
  17. That happened to me the other day as well. I'm pretty sure you were killed by a hacker. Your body will still be where you died and you can get your gear back ( assuming it hasn't been looted).
  18. To the guys that got us at sniper hill, Now that tents and vehicles are fixed my buddy and I decide to set up a camp. We head towards elecktro scouting sniper hill from the north first. On our way down the hill from the peak my buddy is on my left we're taking turns advancing while the other covers. I hear steps on my right (buddy was on left), I thought I was just hearing things cuz I stopped to listen and didnt hear/see anything. So we proceed further down the hill. My buddy spots a lone sniper well supplied with tools, backpack, and guns. He dispatches him and proceeds to check him out. I made the mistake of leaving my cover position to come down and loot as well. After about a minute shots ring out and i fall unconsious, no bleeding, no broken bones, but uncon. My buddy got hit with a grazing shot had to bandage but otherwise ok. He takes up a defensive position to cover and try and return fire but couldn't find them. After a few min he gets taken out and the 2 guys come down to loot us. I'm still unconsious about 1/4 of the hourglass left. First guy in camo comes down starts looting the sniper. He ran right past me and I'm hoping that he forgets to check my body or gives me enough time to get up and shoot back. No such luck though, had about 10% left on the timer when his buddy comes down and realizes I'm still alive and fills me full of lead. Just wanted to say well done and it was a blast, nice kills you earned them, enjoy my empty alice pack, m9sd, m16, and almost full toolkit, my buddy had a bit more but still well earned. We learned alot from that experience and am looking forward to our next encounter.
  19. Oh as a side note, the beta patch is backwards compatable but the dayz versions are not. So it doesn't hurt to keep the beta patch updated at all times.
  20. I had the same problems when using any of the updaters to play DayZ. So I went the manual route. Since you have a steam version it's actually fairly easy to install. Since you've had so many problems with the updaters I would delete all the DayZ files and start from scratch. I'll go through the steps and see if it works for ya. (I'm doing this all from memory and can update tonight when I get home from work if I missed any steps) 1) download the latest beta patch and DayZ release. I would suggest using the torrent file if you're comfortable with that. 2) Extract and run the beta patch, once the window comes up with patch installed succesfully go into your steamapps folder and navigate to the beta folder thats under Arma2co folder. In that folder is a 2nd Arma2oa.exe. Copy that file and go back to the main arm2ao folder, rename the arma2oa.exe in that to something like arma2oa-backup.exe. then paste the arma2oa.exe from the beta folder into that main folder. 3) Now go to the folder that you downloaded the DayZ files to, highlight all the files and copy. Go back to the steamapp/arma2oa folder and navigate to @dayz/addons folder and paste all the dayz files there. Now that that's all done fire up steam, I suggest right clicking on steam and Run as Admin. Once Steam loads fire up your arma2oa and run combined ops. Once arma2 loads up it should say in the lower right screen what beta version you're currently on. you should also be able to access the steam overlay with this method. Just a note though that with this method anytime you update the beta version you'll have to recopy that arma2oa.exe back into the main arma2oa folder otherwise it will run the old version each time, which is I'm guessing what's happening to you right now with the launchers is that they're not pointing to the new arma2oa.exe. Good luck and if it doesn't work send me a PM here on the forums and I can try and help you over skype or mumble at some point.
  21. Just to add, when the debug is on you still lose, food, water, blood, and temp. Tested with blood, got smakced by a zombie, blood was decreasing at a bleeding rate, but the little + sign for blood loss in the the symbol was not there and it was staying totally green. I imagine if you leave the moniter on and don't ever eat or drink you'll die/lose blood, have not tested it yet.
  22. Awesome! I'm looking forward to making my camp!
  23. iboren01@yahoo.com


    This might be showing my age, but WTF is a brony?
  24. How about a quick update to fix tents and vehicles not saving? I jest though, I'm sure developing a game, even just a mod like this takes alot of work. Looking forward to the next update though.