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Everything posted by iboren01@yahoo.com

  1. iboren01@yahoo.com

    The worst thing I ever did..

    So uhh, what's your TS channel? =)
  2. iboren01@yahoo.com

    a lot of work for a game that sometimes works.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sometimes load screens are a server side problem and not yours, I've been able to get the game working on 2 different comps both through steam and by themselves. If you're launching through steam it's bugged unless you go through very specific steps to get it working correctly. Send me a PM if you'd like some help and I can try to help through steam chat and/or skype/mumble. If you're truly done till some of the issues are resolved then I understand that too. In all honestly I've had nothing but problems when using any of the launchers trying to get the mod to work. I do have a steam version and am able to play fine even with the steam overlay working. So hit me up if you want.
  3. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Want to play DayZ but..

    OP: I was until recently playing on a machine very similar to yours and on a laptop to boot. You should be able to run it but you wont be able to have everything on high. Try with low settings with your visibilty range at no more then 2k and you should be ok. You might get some lag but you'd be able to check it out especially if you already purchased ARMA 2
  4. iboren01@yahoo.com

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Pretty much what I said in my first post in this thread. We don't have to trust each other. But we don't have to fight each other either. Do you ever see pirhana's attacking each other during a feeding frenzy?
  5. iboren01@yahoo.com

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Nothing with the Op's post has anything to do really with trusting each other, that will never happen. But what it could do is give us targets, if we all happen to be on the same city/town at the same time all it would really mean would be that target the Coalition first instead of fellow bandits. Once the Coalition is taken down a notch or 10 we go back to each other if it's needed. All I'm saying is target the fellows that think they can do away with us first before each other. Most of us run solo to packs of 5ish from what I've seen. No need for mass orginizing, just locations of targets and let the lone wolfs to squads take them down. That's my thoughts on it. If squads want to team up and have a cease fire they need to work that out themselves. Just my thoughts on it. So post up servers and locations and I'm happy to take my buddy and do some hunting.
  6. To the OP, Do you know what Alpha state means? If not please go look it up.
  7. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Hackers are pussies too.

    So in this discussion, and granted I haven't read all of the back and forth. I got about halfway through the third page. In my understanding the AS50 TWS is a hacked in weapon. Period. Check the wiki weapons page. It doesn't exist, the AS50 is legit but not with the TWS attachment. Granted it is wiki and may not be entirly accurate, but how is using the AS50 TWS as an example in this discussion as a legit weapon even relevant. The L85AWS is legit and from what I can tell is the only themal gun in the game. I'm not sure about the FN FAL AN/PVS-4 since I haven't seen one yet to mess around with. I understand banning hackers and dupers, hackers are easier to prove then dupers and using exploits arn't allowed nor should they be. But if you kill a player that has a bunch of gear that is all in the mod itself how are you supposed to know if it's legit or not. Yes ammo is rare but it can be found. I've currently got a M107 with 4 clips of assorted anti-material rounds that my buddy and I have spent 5 days collecting. anyways I digress, back to the original point AS50 TWS if I find it anywhere in the game I'm either not touching it, or destroying it. EDIT: to make it easy here's a link to the wiki page with a list of all the weapons in the game. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons
  8. iboren01@yahoo.com

    I'm in a possible sniper battle, what do

    Grats on the NVG, just liberated a pair of some guy that came into Stary tents last night that killed my buddy and didn't know I was there, even though I aggro'd Zeds like 3 times. He took my buddies stuff then started checking the tents, so i lit him up with my AKM.
  9. iboren01@yahoo.com

    To hell with primary weapons says the medic

    Love the idea, although i'm against the duffel bag. I'd just make it the same as another backpack already in the game.
  10. iboren01@yahoo.com

    backpack idea that would be cool

    Edit: I found the thread finally. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54912-to-hell-with-primary-weapons-says-the-medic/page__hl__ back pack primary
  11. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Far Cry 2 idea - YOU WILL HATE ME

    Was about to do a facepalm but I like the idea. Especially with all the time we spend running around through the dirt, water, rain, etc. +1
  12. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Steam for the Standalone.

    You can get the steam overlay working on dayz there's a post in the wiki on how to do it.
  13. iboren01@yahoo.com

    backpack idea that would be cool

    It's been suggested, I'll see if I can find the thread.
  14. iboren01@yahoo.com

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    How do you think the script kiddies got those scripts? You really think they were smart enough to write them theirselves? And not all hackers do it for profit, some people do it just cuz their bored. My main point is to the OP who's bitching about getting hack killed and comes whining on the forums and not giving any server details or times of when it happened so the server admins can report to battleye and get them banned. He's bitching about a game that's in ALPHA STATE. It's going to have problems and be very vunerable to hacks and scripts. In all honesty that's not going to be truly "fixed" untill the standalone is released when Rocket has control over the source and can do more about it. Right now our job is to test it and find bugs and report them. The more we do that the faster we will get to the beta and standalone. I'm not saying that hackers don't suck ass cuz they do, but you have to deal with it and move on. It's the main reason that Rocket hasn't done more about the alt-F4 problem with combat dc'ing. right now alt-F4 is really the only escape we have from crap ass hackers.
  15. iboren01@yahoo.com

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Good luck in your recruiting. Saw you guys roll onto a server I was on last night as my buddy and I were tromping around the map scouting vehicles. You guys didn't stay long though, I think you were expecting to find us in cherno or elecktro. Really only time's were there are after a death and have to equip again. Come join us again if you can find us, we'll see how well your 5 match up to us 2. =) BTW TS sucks, get mumble much better and it's free.
  16. iboren01@yahoo.com

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    Nothing is hack proof. Hackers will always find loop holes and work arounds. Good luck hosting a non-hive server. Join a recruit server where names are always on and report the hackers to battle eye and get them perma banned
  17. iboren01@yahoo.com

    HAX EVERYWHERE! Officially unplayable

    Go back to CoD and MW3. Hackers are in every game you will ever play, DayZ is no different, when you see a hacker just log out and change servers. If you bitch about no save option this game isnt for you. Permadeath means exactly that. In DayZ you're nothing more then a meat sack.
  18. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Mercenary Signs-Ups are Now Open

    Gotta say I like the idea, Good luck with your venture.
  19. iboren01@yahoo.com

    kudos to the mod team, adventure has been had

    I know the feeling, I haven't even made it to day 2, mostly because of bandits sniping me in the head, but this is the most fun I've had in a video game in a long time. Props to Rocket for the idea and making it happen even this far. I know I'll be picking up the standalone when it comes out and am hoping BI doesn't destroy Rockets vision of what this game is. I started playing about about 800k players and it's now well over a million. Looking forward to many more hours of heart pumping fun running through this barren world.
  20. iboren01@yahoo.com

    My main gripe with the removal of ammo refill

    I might be wrong but isn't that an issue with the Arma2 engine not the DayZ mod? I agree it's annoying, easiest way to fix it is find a pile of your ammo and swap it out. When you drop ammo it will always drop the mag with the fewest rounds in it first, and when you pick ammo up it will pick up the fullest mag first.
  21. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Chernarus Map Guide App for Android/iOS

    +1 for making the app. It doesn't work very well on my iphone 4 however. I've got the same problem with it locking up. I also lose the button options you have for vehicles, notes, etc. My iphone is jailbroken and I'm not updating to a newer ios version since the apple ios sucks ass. Good luck with your project though!
  22. If I wasn't at work i'd love to join ya. I'm still new to banditry but it sure does seem fun. Just picked up a new gaming laptop and so wanna try it out. Stupid windows updates kept me from playing last night.
  23. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Character Traits not Classes

    Even Rocket has said that he's open to some kind of skill progression and that if you died you lose your progress and would have to start over. He also said that this brings in major balance issues that would have to be addressed. He doesn't want someone going apeshit and/or suicidal because they lost their character that took awhile to build up. If this is implemented and how it's done is for smarter people then me. If it's ever implemented I think it should be an invisible skill that you don't know it's there and just gives subtle differences.
  24. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Share you favorite spots/sniping spots here

    The very top of any hospital. Only 1 way to access it and you have to have help.
  25. iboren01@yahoo.com

    Character Traits not Classes

    Nope, both of us were fully upright and running. It's happened on more then 1 occasion after more then 1 respawn. First time i noticed it was when he had an AK primary and a DMR in his pack where I just had an m4 and misc food, supplies, and ammo in mine. Edit: I may very well be wrong but I have noticed it. Keep in mind it was a small difference in run speed but it was there. It could have been that there was a slight slope for one of us that I didn't notice.