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WilliamCZ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by WilliamCZ (DayZ)

  1. Hello there, I just upgraded my rig, hoping to get better fps, but it looks like that there's some glitch in Arma, maybe in the mod. When I'm playing on any server, any mod, means I can also play on Wasteland or Overwatch, legacy DayZ, anything, I get superlow fps - about 20. The thing is when I hit ESC, open my inventory, my fps goes insanely up, it's like 20 extra fps, nothing is changing in the game, it's still rendering the same stuff on the screen. This is always happening after few minutes in games (10+ or so). When I join in, I got like 50 fps, after some time, bam happens, drops to ~20 fps. Hitting G or esc gives these framerates back, but when I get back to game, it's back on 20 again. Not sure where should I post this to let this information pass to developers, so I'll just give it a shot here. It looks like 7/10 are having the same problem. Also next thing, my GPU and CPU loads are superlow - GPU about 30%, CPU 50%, in singleplayer, they're load on 99% and this causes these framedrops. Anyone have any ideas how to solve this?
  2. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    As for version, said I'm using latest 1.62, which means 103718. The problem of low GPU load in menu is also appearing in the basic version of Arma without any updates. I'm running that on AMD Phenom x4 955@3.8GHz, 1333MHz DDR3, GeForce 750Ti Gaming 2GB and the game is on SSD. Another update - when I change clothes ingame, my fps drop goes away for a few minutes.
  3. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    I'm still running the game on latest 1.62 patch, anyway 1.63 is not solving this problem.
  4. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    If my bottleneck is CPU, why do I have 60+ fps when I join the server and it drops to 25 in few minutes and this inventory/menu thingy is starting to happen? It's not a CPU related problem I believe, nor memory, since I still have 1GB free. I also tried to overlock my CPU by 600MHz on all four cores, nothing has changed. Also got only 50% CPU load at the peak.
  5. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    Well, I don't believe that the servers runs on 30 fps only, because my friends can reach 50+ fps easily on similar rigs and I can barely reach 25. I'm confused because of this low GPU load, which causes these drops. This has nothing to do with server fps, if it happens just in menu, when I launch the game.
  6. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    Yes, every server, every mod. Also just noticed that my GPU load is changing and causing drops. It's dropping to 40% even in game menu, after it loads the scene and drops me to 70 fps from 180 fps that I have when the GPU load is 100%. When the scene in menu is changing, load is again on 100% with 180 fps, after some time, usage and fps drops again. Guess I should pass this information to BI forum.
  7. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    Added screenshots. http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3316086302965955824/BAD1953805B0E855DDE3112AC41CB3CE88867F34/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3316086302965953579/4E5B77247EC89CBCAE85EC95C81FB5287860FF99/
  8. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    FPS boost when opening inventory/hitting ESC

    I'm a DayZ veteran, did a lot of stuff to try to tweak Arma out. My system specs are just fine, it's not specs related, it's a game/mod related, I'm running the game with parameters set for my rig. Also my GPU load in only 30%, CPU load 50%. I can run singleplayer on high with 70+ fps and even 130+ when I'm using the settings like now. So the rig is really not important in this case. This was also happening to my friends, who I was on Teamspeak with, who also has highend rigs. I'm messing around with windowed/PhysX settings, trying out what is causing this, still haven't figured it out. Next thing is, that the debug monitor is showing more fps than the Fraps is (23-30 is the real, debug is showing 40-55 -> 15-30 fps difference), so maybe the debug can see that my game actually should be running better than it actually is. So there might be a bug somewhere. Also, pressing ESC and clicking options makes your HUD being visible again, so it's not HUD related problem. So... something is slowing the game down, since debug is showing the fps I should have and the real fps is lower. Last thing is, that my real fps are not changing on ANY video settings. I can max it out, or play on low, the fps is still the same, only debug fps are changing, not the real ones. Using -nosplash -nopause -malloc=system -cpucount=4 -exthreads=3 GPU_MaxFramesAhead=2;GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=2; And a bit lower scenecomplexity. So it has nothing to do with this.
  9. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    All of them.
  10. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Saved! :) Saved! :)
  11. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    I'm stuck and need heli support! :O

    Try to jump out between servers, while you're connecting, close your game few times, and it will kick you out to the coast with all gear. Also http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/76852-how-to-coast-spawn/
  12. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm near Zeleno, only on foot, it's close, so I can get to you, do you got any empty server, cuz it may be risky, when you really low blood? Steam ID? Any contact to you?
  13. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    PM me your Steam ID. Edit: Mission restart on our server, dammit, lost seven vehicles.
  14. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still need a ride from Drakon to Zeleno. Also my buddy had the same story, is in Solnichniy. :huh:
  15. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just spawned at Drakon (near Elektro), when joining a server, with all the gear, if somebody can transport me to Zeleno, it would be great.
  16. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Went for this guy over half of the map, then he went AFK...
  17. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

  18. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Actually, when you're striking with an axe, it's shooting, you can see the smoke coming from the "gun".
  19. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Coming! :)
  20. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need a ride somewhere?
  21. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Had a pretty cool story with this guy, came for him by a GAZ to Balota, he accidentally shooted his AKM and aggroed zeds on him, when I was still 150 meters away and I didn't even see him. So he died. He spawned again at the SE corner of the map, so I was going to pick him up. On my way I found the UAZ, so I picked him up, we grabbed the jeep and went to his body, he looted it, and we went to my base, where I gave him spare GPS, NVG and M16A4. So I ended up with a fourth vehicle. Pretty cool. Thank you very much! :)
  22. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can help you out, if you're in need and if you will trust me, since I'm not in this list. PM me your Steam ID, if you want. I'm about 500 meters away from Zeleno.
  23. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Me and my buddy are bored, if somebody needs a help in about 3-4 kilometers from Zeleno, we can help you out! :)
  24. WilliamCZ (DayZ)

    Fav. Snipe Spot !

    North West Airfield... /facepalm