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About burdisso

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    On the Coast
  1. burdisso

    Day Z Videos

  2. burdisso

    Day Z Videos

    Hey Guys, I don't post very often...in fact this is only my 3rd post but me and some friends started recording our DayZ exploits a little while ago so I thought I'd share our latest video! I'll say it before anyone else, I'm not great at the game! I've been playing almost since the mod began but I'm still awful. Hopefully teaming up as a squad regularly will improve my play and the quality of the videos. Let me know what you all think, criticism and suggestions are encouraged! Anyway, hope you enjoy!
  3. Hey Guys, I don't post very often...in fact this is only my 3rd post but me and some friends started recording our DayZ exploits a little while ago so I thought I'd share our latest video! I'll say it before anyone else, I'm not great at the game! I've been playing almost since the mod began but I'm still awful. Hopefully teaming up as a squad regularly will improve my play and the quality of the videos. Let me know what you all think, criticism and suggestions are encouraged! Anyway, hope you enjoy!
  4. burdisso

    Its raining, its pouring....

    I agree to an extent. The problem with this dude(s) is that they use some sort of health script so that they can't be killed. I got attacked by 2 of these guys in the church in Cherno and emptied a full Enfield round into one of them and he didn't even bleed, just kept walking towards me with the feckin music playing in the background. If they played it out legit and actually got killed and had to start again every time then I wouldn't have a problem with it and would even find it quite amusing. As it stands though, it's cheating. I disagree with hacking just so you can kill others for no reason.
  5. Hey Guys, This is my first time posting so I'm sorry if I'm missing any info. This happened at approx. 00:30GMT on a newly spawned character. I was running into Elektro from the hill on the east side, following a chopper I spotted. When I got into town I noticed some dead bodies so I turned around to loot them. After about 30 secs it looks like my character takes damage from out of nowhere so I got up and ran. As I was running my legs spontaneously broke and I died but lost no blood. I have no idea if this was hackers or not but with the influx of cheating lately I'm not taking any chances.