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Posts posted by Foals

  1. Was about to help you, but you don't have to be a nob about your paranoia and act as if I should be grateful to help you.

    State who you are next time, to prove you're on the trusted list.

    there could be anyone reading this thread just adding people saying they're medics and they just go to kill them. I've had exactly that happen to me in the past already on a different thread.

  2. I've been playing the game for almost a week now. I know the basic controls and buildings. Sort of familiar with a few small towns besides Elektro and Cherno.

    I've played by myself so far but have been watching a lot of team videos and it looks so much more fun.

    No bandits please, but we can discus different in-game activities when we connect.

    I am at my computer often and can play pretty much whenever.

    Leave your skype name and in game name if you're interested and we'll discuss a server and get to playing :D

    Location: Florida, US

    Time Zone: gmt -5

    In-Game Name: Aaron
