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Everything posted by miqueloz

  1. miqueloz

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    What an insightful first post.
  2. miqueloz

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I just hope it isn't easy to misclick "yes" when it asks you if you want to be female or male. :P
  3. miqueloz

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    People not shooting females will learn the hard way.
  4. There is a very large difference between people using gang colors in cities nowadays and people readily identifying themselves as bandits in a post apocalypse world. You wouldn't see da Bloodz using red if normal people would shoot them on sight.
  5. If anything, add more zombies/make them faster. They are really not all that scary when they can't hit you if you just keep sprinting and then you can run inside any building and take your time killing them.
  6. miqueloz

    Completely unable to die []

    Same. Was not the only one on the server incapable of death either. Got shot once, went unconscious. Got shot another time, got the "You are dead" screen. Abort->tried to respawn again. And respawn I did, but at the same spot where I died, with all my gear and full blood. A buddy of mine died a few minutes later, went to -7000 blood, respawned... not where he died, but where /I/ died earlier. Full blood but he was unconscious for a while. Also had all his gear.
  7. That only removes the mouse lag, doesn't do much for sensitivity. I'd also like to use a lower sensitivity, but already using 450 DPI and X and Y axis all the way to the left. Still too high. And I don't want the acceleration that anything aside from 6 windows sensitivity gives.
  8. Check your controls for salute. Double tap left control to lower your weapon (doesn't work for pistols).
  9. Realistic communication would not make it any easier to identify who is a bandit and who is not.
  10. Dunno, slow zombies aren't scary at all to me. This mod altogether lacks the scary zombies of movies. The zombies are more like pests.
  11. miqueloz

    Is Novy Sobor a new spawn point?

    Stary Sobor is anything but safe. It is one of the hotspots of the map and pretty much always has people there looting. And that far inland everyone is also hostile.
  12. miqueloz

    Gun fires randomly

    Your mouse is probably broken. It is not a feature.
  13. I still think that just making the zombies more of a threat would fix a lot. When you can attract 50 zombies if you screw up, you really want to have a buddy with you. Nothing should be fully dependent on other players though, because they can always choose to not help you. Rather make it like the bloodbag thing - you need a buddy to give you a blood transfusion BUT you can also regain health alone by eating food, it's just much more difficult and a lot slower.
  14. miqueloz

    Psychology of the Murderer.

    In the DayZ apocalypse, chances are that only those willing to kill would still be alive, seeing how hostile the world is. It's not a good idea to decide the personality of the character people are playing for them...
  15. miqueloz

    Don't save after 1.5.4

    Didn't save, SE7 (I think, was a SE server anyway).
  16. miqueloz Performance Drop

    Played on another server, it was fine this time...
  17. I'm not sure if these griefers who instantly run to a town and open fire with their Makarovs are really a problem... never been killed by one. Never seen one. Sniper bullets are more valuable than the lives of people who've just spawned. I don't think too many snipers are really paying any attention to the coasts.
  18. miqueloz

    Is DayZ just one server?

    You are wrong.
  19. miqueloz

    Zombies running to fast!

    Disconnecting is something that plagues both PvE and PvP encounters, so it's not strictly zombie related. However, I as well wish there were more zombies again. Now I can just run into a town, aggro all the zombies, run inside a shed and shoot them all with my pistol. I hope Rocket realizes that if the zombies aren't a big enough threat (they aren't atm) player-killing and deathmatch is the only thing that offers any kind of challenge. Nor is teaming up required. A lot of zombies = you want to team up. I'm fine with that, some people aren't. I'd still rather have more zombies, even though I much prefer PvP.