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Everything posted by miqueloz

  1. miqueloz

    WTF? What's going on here?

    Toggaf, digging more and more holes *gets popcorn*
  2. miqueloz

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Why are you still posting your ID and stuff? Devs have said they're not gonna reset your location.
  3. miqueloz

    about character voice !!

    Now there's a good question. Who is Bill? Who are any of us, really?
  4. Please, rocket, I beg you. Implement the ST_Collision thing. It would literally be the best addition ever. ArmA 2 CQB is just way too awful at the moment because of that.
  5. miqueloz

    Destroying Friendships

    What? Don't your friends threaten to murder you on several different occasions? Weirdo.
  6. Thing is, the OP's gear is bad. Why do you want a rollback so badly? You can get better gear in 30 minutes.
  7. miqueloz

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Then log out in a place where you won't be surprised in 5 seconds. Not really that hard. 1) Look around you 2) Log out
  8. miqueloz

    Destroying Friendships

    Shoot them and record it. Post here. Profit.
  9. miqueloz

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    And yet I liked being a German KSK since it fits my nationality perfectly and looked more badass than a dude with a camo vest or a walking bush Yes. Camo is ok, but the ghillie suit looks stupid. It's not meant to be fashionable, of course, and fills it purpose well. But I'd much rather have the bandit skin. Maybe it could be made available again, as one of the lootable skins? Probably isn't in the mod at the moment because of the stigma attached to it.
  10. miqueloz

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    And at that point it's pure speculation and has no place in the discussion. You brought PTSD into the discussion, and it isn't "pure speculation" if based on careful statistical research. I'm guessing the PhDs that did this research know this issue better than either of us, so I defer to them. Still, if you're thrown by the extrapolation, let's go with a war that's been over a long time: Vietnam. I refer you to the following interesting facts (source: http://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/pages/vietnam-vets-study.asp): "Those (Vietname veterans) with high levels of war-zone exposure had significantly higher rates, with 35.8% of men and 17.5% of women meeting criteria for current PTSD." "...a large majority of Vietnam Veterans struggled with chronic PTSD symptoms, with four out of five reporting recent symptoms when interviewed 20-25 years after Vietnam." And remember, these are psychological effects for people who, for the most part, killed because they felt they had to. That said, I think there's definitely enough real-life precedence to include some sort of psychological element to this game, especially for the indiscriminate killers. Your source did not state what research it was based on. I'm sorry, but "PhD's probably did it" doesn't impress me. "Symptoms of major depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder were reported by 16 percent to 17 percent of those who served in Iraq, 11 percent of those who were in Afghanistan and 9 percent questioned before they left." -Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine. Exactly. You think that serves to strengthen your point, but it doesn't, quite the opposite. These were people forced to kill by the army. They were fighting in a foreign country for no cause that a good amount of them could possibly discern. You are, for some reason, comparing them to people in a post-apocalyptic situation who choose to be bandits. Who choose to hunt other men. These people make the conscious decision to do so. The majority would not suffer from PTSD.
  11. miqueloz

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    Haha, yea, I actually liked the bandit skin.
  12. miqueloz

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    Why would you want to punish lone wolves? Yes, punish -- forcing them to take "medication" for being alone (?) too long sounds pretty bad... lone wolfing is already punished enough. Being with even one more guy is WAY safer and you have twice the firepower and so many more tactical options. Heartbeat thing is cool, rocket, but I hope you won't go overboard with trying to tell players how they feel and if they're depressed or not...
  13. miqueloz

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    And at that point it's pure speculation and has no place in the discussion.
  14. miqueloz

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    Huh? "May" acquire? I may win the lottery too' date=' that doesn't mean I will. [/quote'] Not all cases of PTSD that occur are actually diagnosed, due in large part to the stigma that's attached to mental and psychological illness. I'm assuming that's a statistical extrapolation of the overall, true rate of the condition. That doesn't make much sense, given the wording. "May acquire" means getting PTSD in the future, not cases that have happened but haven't been diagnosed. Getting pretty off-topic, though.
  15. miqueloz

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    Huh? "May" acquire? I may win the lottery too, that doesn't mean I will.
  16. miqueloz

    Adrenaline Shot idea

  17. I still can barely get into servers at daytime because they're all full, so I don't notice much playerloss.. Also: almost 60,000 players in the last 24 hours. That's goddamn impressive when the total amount of unique players is 210,000. Especially since a crapload of people are stuck in the Debug Wilderness at the moment and aren't playing.
  18. miqueloz

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    @Leeu I'm sorry, but that's retarded. You treat disconnecting from PvP as a legit way of playing and a feature. You're also implying that "carebears" are all relying on disconnect abuse when they take the risk and trust someone/don't shoot them? "Oh well, if they're hostile, I'll just Alt+f4"? Those type of players deserve to be punished. Frankly, you're making all that up. That might be true for you, but I'm preeeeetty damn sure that the majority of players aren't going to change their gameplay just because they can't exploit anymore....
  19. This suggestion would definitely reduce tension. If you know for a fact that people wearing X skin can't shoot you, there's zero tension.
  20. miqueloz

    Remove suppressed weapons

    The silenced M4 is not "hands down" the best weapon. It's awesome, yes. But it's not the best. Doesn't have that much range. I'd rather have a M16A4 ACOG.
  21. How, if you have to be aiming at them and be at close range?
  22. miqueloz

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Yes, I'm serious. Zombies are currently underpowered and not a threat. Hopefully 1.7.1 will make them more difficult.