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Everything posted by miqueloz

  1. Says the one who posts nothing but the equivalent of "no u."
  2. miqueloz

    Better reloading

    So you've never shot a gun, have you? I'd love to see how fast you managed to make a completely new gun operational. A gun you've never handled. And change parts in the gun. And add things like bipods and optics, instantly. Or even know, instantly, where the safety is, how it works, where the bullets goes and how the magazine comes out. Protip, these all vary, depending on the gun.
  3. No, it's not. The saying simply does not work. I can think of plenty of ideas that it'd be harder to tear down than to create. The saying only works for specific cases, and at that point, why bother having a saying at all?
  4. miqueloz

    Better reloading

    False. The average survivor in DayZ knows exactly what to do with every weapon they come across at the same instant they get their hands on it, they know how to pilot helicopters, they know how to make fires with little supplies, they know a LOT of survival stuff.
  5. Nope. A lot harder to destroy a tank than to create a stick-figure drawing. As always, Deeply Wise sounding sayings don't really work.
  6. So, as we all know, you can see through walls by leaning against them... but what I've never tried, can you also shoot people this way? Someone just shot me through a wall, and I'm wondering if that's how he did it or if it's a different glitch/hack.
  7. miqueloz

    Too much punching breaks your hands?!

    Or... how about just leave it as it is? If you punch properly and don't aim for the forehead, your fist will be fine - it'll hurt at most, but won't break.
  8. ArmA 3 crosshair is good. People who claim no crosshair is the most realistic option haven't tried shooting guns IRL without aiming down sights -- or haven't practiced it enough. You know a lot better where your bullets are going to hit IRL even without aiming down the sights than you do in a video game with no crosshair.
  9. Uh, how does the graph show that? There's been no drop from April. There's been an increase from March. No game stays at its peak numbers forever, so it's pointless to compare to when it was just released.
  10. Vocal minority. And they've already sold enough copies not to bother about more sales. These forums have always had, ever since the release of the mod, a vocal minority that was saying the exact same things. Liked posted before: http://steamcharts.com/app/221100 (For the chart-challenged: More players in the last month than, for example, in March) Also, so what if people stop playing? I've also stopped playing, so what? I knew that when I bought the alpha it might not be in a good state, but I bought it anyway because I knew I could just stop playing until full release if I didn't like it.
  11. miqueloz

    Too much punching breaks your hands?!

    No, just like we shouldn't have a %age chance of shooting ourselves in the leg because some incompetent shooters have done that.
  12. Yes, god forbid someone plays a shooter game and shoots people. The outrage! Scandalous! Redonkolous! This thread just keeps getting better and better -- carebears playing a FPS/TPS and claiming people who shoot others have mental problems. Priceless! :D (I do wonder, though, what DO carebears do in the current state of the game if they don't kill people? I can get fully geared up with the best stuff in about 5 minutes, then there's nothing left to do, zombies aren't a threat and never were. Do they just run in circles in trees or what?)
  13. miqueloz

    Protector Cases Vs Bullets

    Very nice. Could you perhaps test having items inside chest slot items, just to be sure? Items inside vests and items inside jackets.
  14. miqueloz

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    And the 30 bucks didn't go to rocket, they went to Bohemia. When you bought the SA (against rocket's recommendations), you didn't buy any promises from rocket.
  15. miqueloz

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    You should work on your reading comprehension. He never said he's leaving the dev team. And FrostDMG, are you for real? Are you SERIOUSLY going to be that much of an entitled little kid? Rocket should cancel his lifelong dream because of a fucking video game mod? Jesus. Rocket owes nobody here ANYTHING at all.
  16. miqueloz

    Things to add in hand to hand combat or medical system

    Yeah, sure, make a super complicated melee mode when even the current one is laggy
  17. Your reverse psychology is too strong to resist.
  18. miqueloz

    SKS Underpowered

    All the weapons in the game have too shitty damage. They'll do balancing later.
  19. miqueloz

    Better reloading

  20. miqueloz

    Better reloading

    Uh, no, not really. I for one can reload much faster IRL than I can in DayZ. I also don't have to open up a huge tab in front of my eyes and look for the bullets there, I just put my hand in whichever pocket I have my ammo in, and, without taking my eyes away from my target, put the bullets in the gun. Clunkiness =/= realism, despite what people seem to think.
  21. Hahahah, keep it comin' :D
  22. Hahahah. People like you are why I KoS, it fills my heart with glee.
  23. miqueloz

    Suggestion: tracking device, gps

    Just make grass etc stay flat for longer when someone walks over it, and also, for the love of god, improve sounds. There, tracking done.
  24. Oh yeah, because a survival mod inspired by DayZ made in more or less the same engine is totally the same as GTA?