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Everything posted by miqueloz

  1. The irony is strong in this one
  2. miqueloz

    Mouse Control - What's wrong?

    Bananas are tasty. Why are we stating random facts?
  3. miqueloz

    Mouse Control - What's wrong?

    What, why? It's not tricky to turn around IRL with an assault rifle.
  4. miqueloz

    Can't combine helmet and gasmask any more?

    The clipping is the reason it was removed. Seeing a direct quote won't change anything. They're working on a new gas mask model.
  5. miqueloz


    That is not hard to understand at all. I, too, would prefer if they added more calibers. But I wouldn't be mad that they didn't. I'd be happy about a new gun. Anything else is a bonus, not something to get mad over. By the same principle, you ought to get mad over not having to collect 10 clothing parts to be able to put together jeans -- it'd add stuff to search for, after all. No, what is hard to understand is that these people would rather not have a new gun at all if there won't be a new caliber. THAT makes absolutely no sense.
  6. miqueloz


    ??? What? Are you joking? Is this real life? It would "make you mad" if the ammo said 7.62x39mm........... seriously. When the only real difference are four numbers. I'm truly dumbfounded. I can hardly find the words to express my confusion at the mindsets of some people. Like, seriously. What. Why does it matter what the ammo box says? Maybe you could just pretend it says what you want it to say.
  7. miqueloz

    Improvised Explosive Devices

    People would just set them at airfields and watch with binos from somewhere.
  8. miqueloz

    for balancing the pvp

    Yawn. Come up with that yourself? Rhetorical question.
  9. miqueloz

    for balancing the pvp

    Uh... yes, yes it was. Rose-tinted nostalgia classes, much? People were constantly saying that in the mod as well. "It was never this bad at release.. it was never this bad a month ago.. it was never this bad last patch... it was never this bad last week..."
  10. miqueloz

    for balancing the pvp

    Taking on "milsim" clans alone is the most fun thing you can do in the game. I've played SA for about 80 hours, and fought more 1v3+s than I can count. I've won far more often than not. It's doable, and it's fun. Especially since they think they're the hunters.
  11. miqueloz

    Kids with guns...don't forget the safety switch

    This is another one of those super complex things that will never see light in any game. It makes no sense. You would do useless work for hours and hours, because nobody would use the bad stances. There's absolutely no point in adding incompetency to the characters we're controlling. Yes, we get it OP, you've watched a couple YouTube videos about guns, so you want to flaunt your "expertise." But no.
  12. miqueloz

    for balancing the pvp

    PvP is what makes DayZ what it is.
  13. miqueloz

    Tactical Vest

    Or, maybe....................... they're removing it UNTIL it's fixed.
  14. miqueloz

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    No, it's not as easy. It's easier. I reload faster IRL than I do in DayZ -- and indeed, I can keep my eyes on my target. Why couldn't I?
  15. miqueloz

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    The thing is, people do not "idly" move around as fast as in DayZ. But someone that's fit who wants to move fast and unpredictably, will move faster and will be harder to hit than someone running in DayZ. So I guess it kinda balances out.
  16. miqueloz

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    Huh? Care to explain your "reflexes of a cat" comment? DayZ somehow improves people's reaction time?
  17. miqueloz

    Military bases have wayy to much loot

    Yeah, that's some really bad loot for NWAF. The only problem right now is that there's no reason to go to NWAF. You can get similar loot from NEAF, or heck, even from police stations. What this means is that if you do bother to run all the way there, you'll most likely be by your lonesome. In the mod, Stary Sobor and NWAF were the places for good loot, and people went there for rare stuff like M107s and NVGs and silenced M4s... so while you could get good stuff there, it was dangerous, which balanced it out. Right now, it's not.
  18. miqueloz

    Transparent walls

    ....... You don't even understand what he meant by that.
  19. miqueloz

    Transparent walls

    What are you even talking about? The engine isn't limiting them. You clearly don't understand what an engine is. They can do pretty much anything with the engine, but doing anything takes X amount of time. They are also not replacing the engine, but the renderer.
  20. miqueloz

    Punching OP

    If you have a gun and get owned by a punching fresh spawn.... you deserved to die.
  21. miqueloz

    Transparent walls

    Nope. They're making a new renderer.
  22. miqueloz

    Transparent walls

    So you whine about something, you get proven wrong, then you say "well ok, but I'm losing hope regardless." Some people...
  23. On the contrary, if you were good enough to hunt me down for hours, I'd welcome the challenge. "Grow a pair and bandit like a man"? Yawn. Not interested in your artificial made-up macho honor. I could just as easily claim that you're not being a man for not killing everyone you meet, and we could have a nice little circular argument. But let's skip that part and get straight to the conclusion: I don't agree with your view, so your judgement is irrelevant to me. As for killing fresh spawns, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. If I do, it's to make sure I don't lose my stuff to a Mike Tyson wannabe, or to test damage, or just because I'm bored. Nothing to do with attention. You're the one who brought this subject up: it follows, then, that you're the one after attention. Pointless ad hominem, yay. Protip: proclaiming that you didn't lose the argument when you run away with your tail betwixt your hind legs doesn't make it reality. And sure, we're CoD kiddies, you're carebears. Fair enough. It's just your playstyle, why are you protesting when you're called a carebear? It's a label, brah. Corny Ending Note Here
  24. miqueloz

    Too much punching breaks your hands?!

    The helmets do not cover the face, though. And we're never going to have sophisticated enough aiming/hit-detection to make it worth it to make your fist only break if you hit the real helmet, not just the head. And in real life, I can pull back a punch, but you can't in the game, when someone turns or runs away or whatever. I think it's safe to say that none of this stuff will be added, though. Fantasizing about cool melee systems is nice and all, but they have much bigger problems, and they'd need much smoother melee mechanics overall before making it more complicated.
  25. Well, that is your opinion, and you're entitled to it. I, for my part, think that you've added nothing to this discussion. Your kitchen psychology is so appallingly bad and misinformed I couldn't even be bothered to finish your posts.