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About benjaminoest@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. benjaminoest@hotmail.com

    DayZNamalsk Hardcore server ALWAYS DAY, 50 slot

    I guess it differs. Or I might just be a retard not knowing the right terms, but for our server Hardcore means no 3rd person, as well as no tracers, crosshairs, nameplates or deathmessages.
  2. benjaminoest@hotmail.com

    DayZNamalsk Hardcore server ALWAYS DAY, 50 slot

    It has been a while since I last checked up on the forums, but the last time I checked [Hardcore] meant not having 3rd person. Sorry if that was confusing in any way. If you know a better term for not having 3rd person, please let me know.
  3. Hello survivors! We run a non-whitelisted, [Hardcore] (essentially meaning 1st person only) Namalsk server seeing as there aren't very many of those out there anymore. No more 3rd-person exploitation. We are hoping to provide a clean and hacker-free server for everyone to enjoy! (server will be rolled back 30 mins in case of any hacker-related issue) Once the server gets sufficiently populated we, the admins, intend to arrange random occuring events as seen in the Survivor Gamez. An announcement on the sidechat will be performed, stating what and where the event is ocurring Example of an event: "A crazed farmer has been spotted on the shores of Western Army Checkpoint hunting for sea shells with a CZ550, surely this is an endeavour bound to fail" Either admin 1 or admin 2 will take the role of whatever character. Hopefully this will bring more action and a better dynamic on the server. We will try to spread out the events on the map so that every player is not huddling at either A2, Seraja or Northern Army Base. Keep in mind that these events will ONLY be carried out by either myself (Highyard) or Scribbly (or both of us). Info: Admin 1: Highyard [http://dayzmod.com/f...7856-highyard/] Admin 2: Scribbly [http://dayzmod.com/f...0017-scribbly/] Max Players: 50 Vehicles: Currently 35 (boats, bikes and choppers included) Physical Server Location: Amsterdam, NL Restart timer: Every 3 hours. Battleye: Enabled ALWAYS DAY: On 3rd Person: Off Crosshairs: Off Deathmessages: Off Veteran:On Bloodsuckers: On EVR: On Full name of the server: DayZNamalsk Banana Water Gaming - (0.73/100296) [Hardcore][VETERAN][ALWAYS DAYLIGHT][3DP:OFF][bloodsuckers: ON][EVR:ON] Private Hive - www.DayZ.st | DayZ.ST IP: RULES: 1. No voice in sidechat. 2. No racial slurs or discriminating of any kind. (friendly banter is fine though) 3. No hacking/cheating or exploitation (but loot-cycling is allowed) 4. No spamming. 5. No excessive raging or calling out positions of players. If you've got any questions, ask away.
  4. benjaminoest@hotmail.com

    Looking for team mates to play with :)

    Yeah sure, just leave your skype names or send me a PM.
  5. benjaminoest@hotmail.com

    Looking for team mates to play with :)

    All right, I added you
  6. benjaminoest@hotmail.com

    Looking for team mates to play with :)

    Hey, my name is Benjamin, I'm 18 years old and I'm looking for some European guys to play with (I'm GMT +1 Denmark, myself). I'm fairly experienced and know my way around the game. I don't care about your gear or experience level. Just looking for a few guys to enjoy this game with, but I'd prefer it if you'd be about 15/16+ of age. Please have a mic and be mature :) Skype: olsen1123