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Everything posted by stereoxous

  1. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I can happily report that I have also been unbanned. Faith in Bohemia/BattlEye restored.
  2. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    And Bohemia expects me to buy the standalone DayZ game after all this?
  3. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    This is going to be all over Kotaku when the shit really hits the fan...
  4. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    You're unbelievable.
  5. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Whatever. I'm a legit player, never used any hacks or scripts in my life. Mark my words, these forums and Battle Eye support are gonna be overwhelmed with legit gamers getting these Global Bans. So you actually believe it's just a coincidence that all of the sudden the forums are being swarmed with players getting Global Bans - all at the same time? I think you dropped your tinfoil hat...
  6. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Mark my words - these forums and Battle Eye support are gonna get swamped with legit players getting Global Bans.
  7. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    It's sad some people here won't believe us, but I think that will change soon. I think this is a huge problem that's going to see daylight soon and the forums will be swamped with legit players getting Global Bans after the latest update. I think it's the new beta update that's the problem.
  8. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I have version 95819 installed after DayZ Commander updated the files earlier today, it also updated the beta. After that, Global Ban. Just tried playing on a 95819 server, still getting the Global Ban message.
  9. stereoxous

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Another victim reporting here, just got a Global Ban for NOTHING. I do not use hacks, I have never used hacks, not into that bullshit because true gamers don't play that BS. I'm a legit gamer, I haven't changed any files by myself. I bought Arma II + CO on Steam, downloaded the DayZ mod, placed the files in the Steam folder where its supposed to go and I used DayZ Commander to update all files. And today when I started playing I got kicked and banned after a couple of minutes. The last thing I remember seeing that was weird just before I got kicked and banned was that I found two corpses (players) next two each other, they were identical, but they belonged to ONE player. It feels like I just threw 25 bucks down the drain, because I only bought Arma II + CO to play DayZ and now I can't play it all because of the Global Ban. I've contacted Battle Eye, but I doubt they will believe me. Fucking hackers are ruining it for everyone, for real gamers.
  10. Is the 95777 ban the Global Ban? Because I just got a Global Ban for NOTHING. I do not use hacks, I have never used hacks, not into that bullshit because true gamers don't play that BS. I'm a legit gamer, I haven't changed any files by myself. I bought Arma II + CO on Steam, downloaded the DayZ mod, placed the files in the Steam folder where its supposed to go and I used DayZ Commander to update all files. And today when I started playing I got kicked and banned after a couple of minutes. The last thing I remember seeing that was weird just before I got kicked and banned was that I found two corpses (players) next two each other, they were identical, but they belonged to ONE player. It feels like I just threw 25 bucks down the drain, because I only bought Arma II + CO to play DayZ and now I can't play it all because of the Global Ban. I've contacted Battle Eye, but I doubt they will believe me. Fucking hackers are ruining it for everyone, for real gamers.