Hello everyone, I recently heard about this game, and mod, through my cousin. After watching him play it for a bit, I decided to get it. Problem is, I think this game is best enjoyed (like most) with very high quality gaming graphics and smooth play. Currently, even on normal settings, there appears to be a bit of a mouse delay (smoothing already at 0), objects are not clear and defined as well as I would like (appear overly fuzzy) and I feel it may be difficult to play under these circumstances. I'm not willing to go to low graphics settings, so I'm looking for graphic setting suggestions or, as it may be required, a new video card. I have absolutely no qualms with going out and purchasing a new video card if it means a far better gaming experience, but I think, from what I've gathered while searching through forums, that my processor may be my limiting component. I don't know enough about videocards or processors to make an educated decision, so I'm reaching out to anyone out there willing to help. My current specs are: -Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (There are four instances of this under Processors in my device manager) -ATI Radeon HD 5570 (factory settings) -Windows 7 (64-bit) -8.00GB of RAM If there are any other specs I haven't mentioned but are important, let me know. Also, I would be willing to spend up to ~$180 - $200 on a decent GPU, given that it would actually boost performance significantly. Thanks for taking the time to help a new player!