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Posts posted by mick17

  1. I just found out that Matt must be close to 100 years old because of how wise he is! Who knew he played the infinitely wise psychologist? http://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1pbnpr/im_25m_my_girlfriend_23f_is_moving_to_the_us_with/

    We must get to the bottom of this crazy mystery as the release date may be at the end! Also I wonder what his rates are.... and that's why he looks so young, to cover his 100 year old look!!!!!

    P.S. wasn't stalking. Just went to his reddit to see if there was any new info and that was right there!

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  2. He didn't flat out say it's not the 5th because he himself doesn't know when the verification of all the components will be complete. It could be the 5th, it could be the 6th or it could be tomorrow (not likely). I'm thinking any point from the 5tg to a week and a half after is a plausible time for a release.

  3. If we see a large scale test (50-100) and it goes well with no crashes, I would say a release on the 5th would be plausible. They may have even been waiting to do a large scale test until a set date due to the small amount of people who can test and not all could test until tomorrow or something. We shall see.

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  4. To everyone that is mad about speculation, it's all in good fun! I want it to release as much as the next guy, but sometimes it's just fun to throw different things out as to whats happening. No harm is being done!


    On topic, No I haven't heard anything new about the AI other than his plan was accepted to be executed.

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