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About Voltikz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Voltikz


    hmmm, i only bought OA :( steam was doing it and BAF on offer so i got them both, i dont think ARMA 2 itself came with it... infact it must of cause iv played the norm missions :/ any idea where i could redownload it? cause steam is just showing i have OA and BAF
  2. iv got Operation Arrowhead installed via steam (i bought just Operation Arrowhead) and i downloaded the mod, and made two folders "@DayZ" and in that "addons" in and extracted the files in there, in the OA folder, and extracted the zip files into the addons folder, i tryed starting it up and i get "Addon 'dayz_anim' requites addond 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack' " come up, anyone no how to fix this? also if i hit ok, it runs into the game fine, but i cant join any servers, it says "You can not play/edit this mission; it is depenedt on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus" does anyone no how to fix this? also sorry if there is already a thread about this