US 234, Konscript is a sore loser who assumes that if he gets his ass kicked, it must be hackers. News flash: Knoscript acted like an idiot and got owned. He shot across a field in an ATV, which we clearly saw, then he jumped out to try to shoot me and my friend in a Ural we found and took. After I sniped his ATV and he logged out, he shortly logged back in and tried to snipe us. We hid and he got the Ural, but we followed him and killed him and the Ural. He acted like a total moron and banned my friend, not realizing there were 2 of us and neither were hacking - he was just careless and unobservant and squarely got kicked in the nuts. Konscript: just so you know, you are a sore loser and you are just as bad as any hacker by using means other than your skill to get a cheap win. Don't ban anyone and get better, please.