2 days ago i was reading about this happening, and then today when i was in Devil's Castle looking trough the towers for loot. Some guy throws Green smoke grenades at me. First on the roof top then trough the building. When the smoke cleared i went to the rooftop hearing helicopter sound, and their a Huey comes flying straight at me. With voice communication i ask : "wtf are you doing" , he reply's :"you know landing this chopper". after a bit of flying around he crashes the huey , he just walk out. Then when i walked down the "its raining its pooring" tune starts to play and behind me i see this guy with an axe , i start running and he follows me for around 2-3 minutes. After i logged out he spawns near 2 friends of mine who just found a car. 1 logged out immediatly and the other stayed in the car while the "hacker guy" sits next to him. Then the server crashed.